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- [1]李宏坤, 张志新, 郭正刚, 邹拴庆, 王奉涛.时频图像Hough变换在滚动轴承故障诊断中的应用[J],振动 测试与诊断,2022,6:634-637
- [2]赵俊龙, 郭正刚, 张志新, 王奉涛, 李宏坤.梳状滤波器在滚动轴承早期故障诊断中的应用[J],振动与冲击,2022,12:171-174
- [3]张莉瑶, 朱泓, 郭正刚, 侯永强.汽车前轴应力采集系统的设计[J],汽车零部件,2022,12:65-67
- [4]祝钊, 周雅夫, 郭正刚.汽车后桥在线检测控制系统设计[J],机床与液压,2022,05:144-146
- [5]刘欣, 郭正刚, 石忠晓, 陈翰军.焦炉三车联锁的自动化研究[J],燃料与化工,2022,34(2):62-65
- [6]陈建国, 张志新, 郭正刚, 王奉涛, 李宏坤.独立分量分析方法在经验模式分解中的应用[J],振动与冲击,2022,1:109-111,130
- [7]Lai, Xiaonan, 王硕, 郭正刚, 张超, 孙伟, 宋学官.Designing a Shape-Performance Integrated Digital Twin Based on Multiple Models and Dynamic Data: ...[J],JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL DESIGN,2022,143(7)
- [8]高菲, Lv, Shuai, Zhang, Changyuan, 张鹏, 郭正刚, Ma, Qinyi, 张旭.Discrete- and Finite-Element Analysis on the Tunneling Safety of Pipe Jacking Machine in Coal Roc...[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND TECHNOLOGY,2022,38(4):801-807
- [9]岳明, 孙伟, 郭正刚.Dynamic Mechanism and Key Rectification Techniques of Shield Machine in the Vertical Plane[A],Int. conf. on Intelligent Robotics and Application,2022,412-422
- [10]苏文胜, 王奉涛, 张志新, 郭正刚, 李宏坤.EMD降噪和谱峭度法在滚动轴承早期故障诊断中的应用[J],振动与冲击,2022,3:18-21
- [11]李宏坤, 郭正刚.Gearbox’s Noise Level Prediction by Combination Vibration and Sound Signal[A],The 6th International Conference on Vibration Engineering, Dalian, China, 2008,2022,1(1):1-6
- [12]Shi, Maolin, Lv, Liye, 郭正刚, 孙伟, 宋学官, Li, Hongyou.High-Low Level Support Vector Regression Prediction Approach (HL-SVR) for Data Modeling with Inpu...[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL METHODS,2022,18(08)
- [13]李宏坤, 郭正刚.Investigation on Machine Condition Classification by Using Multi-Scale Entropy Feature Extraction...[J],International Journal of Comprehensive Engineering,Part B : Intelligent Engineering,2022,1(1):67-76
- [14]安劭侠, 郭正刚, 李海周, 王明华, 霍军周, 徐兆辉.TBM刀盘系统动力学分层求解方法[J],组合机床与自动化加工技术,2022,09:62-66
- [15]Yang, Dongjian, Meng, Zhichao, 郭正刚, 霍军周.Trajectory planning of TBM cutter changing robot based on binocular vision[A],Proceedings of IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Image Processing, Electronics and Computers, IPEC 2021,2022,1318-1322
- [16]王亮, 郭正刚, 张志新.一种实用机械设备振动信号的调理模块设计[J],设备管理与维修,2022,2:48-50
- [17]陈建国, 王奉涛, 郭正刚, 张志新, 李宏坤.信号源相关的独立分量分析研究及应用[A],2010振动与噪声测试峰会,2022,Vol.31:4
- [18]王奉涛, 郭正刚, 张志新, 李宏坤.信号源相关的独立分量分析研究及应用[J],仪器仪表学报,2022,31(4):32-35
- [19]郭正刚, 孙伟, 岳明.A model of shield jack thrust to shield attitude[J],Journal of Donghua University,2022,28(2):124-127
- [20]郭正刚.A Method of Laser Drift Measurement for Compensation[A],13th International Symposium on Measurement Technology and Intelligent Instruments,2022