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Experimental study on rubber-assisted embossing of micro fluidic chips


Indexed by:会议论文

Date of Publication:2012-04-02

Included Journals:EI、Scopus


Page Number:1838-1842

Abstract:A flexible micro fluidic chip is difficult to fabricate using the standard hot embossing technology. In this study, rubber-assisted embossing of a micro fluidic chip was investigated. A thin polymer film was thermoformed into microchannels by rubber as soft counter-tool. Different processing conditions, as well as material selections, affecting the thickness uniformity and replicated depth were examined. A flexible micro fluidic chip was fabricated via sealing the microchannel with a layer of transparent adhesive film. A droplet of colored water flowing into the microchannel fast and steadily was observed. Experimental results indicated that the microchip had a uniform channel and good leak tightness. The proposed method demonstrated the ability of fabricating a flexible 3-D microchannel.

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