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Preparation and Characteristics of GaN Films on Freestanding CVD Thick Diamond Films


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2010-01-01


Included Journals:SCIE、ISTIC



ISSN No.:0256-307X

Abstract:Prefer-oriented and fine grained polycrystalline GaN films are prepared by plasma enhanced metal organic chemical vapour deposition on nucleation surfaces of freestanding thick diamond films. The characteristics of the GaN films are characterized by x-ray diffraction, reflection high energy electron diffraction and atomic force microscopy. The results indicate that the structure and morphology of the films are strongly dependent on the deposition temperature. The most significant improvements in morphological and structural properties of GaN films are obtained under the proper deposition temperature of 400 degrees C.

Pre One:Preparation and Characteristics of GaN Films on Freestanding CVD Thick

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