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Phase noise characteristics of the carrier transmitted by the double-sideband-carrier-suppressed modulation system


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2009-10-01


Included Journals:SCIE、EI、Scopus



ISSN No.:0091-3286

Key Words:microwave photonics; double-sideband-carrier-suppressed modulation; phase noise

Abstract:Phase noise characteristics of the carrier transmitted by the double-sideband-carrier-suppressed (DSB-CS) modulation system are investigated. On the basis of the established DSB-CS modulation system, the phase noise of the input carrier and the output doubled frequency carrier is measured. The influencing factors on the far-from-carrier phase noise are discussed in detail. The noise current mean-square value of the signal-spontaneous beat noise is first derived in the case that there are two first-order optical sidebands generated by DSB-CS modulation. It is shown that the far-from-carrier phase noise is degraded primarily due to the signal-spontaneous beat noise and the relative-intensity noise. (C) 2009 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. [DOI: 10.1117/1.3250243]

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