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A PSQ-L Polymer Microring Resonator Fabricated by a Simple UV-Based Soft-Lithography Process


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2009-09-15


Included Journals:SCIE、EI、Scopus



Page Number:1323-1325

ISSN No.:1041-1135

Key Words:Imprint; microring resonator; polymer waveguides

Abstract:Photonic integrated circuits based on polymer waveguides have great potential as low-cost optical devices. A novel inorganic-organic hybrid polymer polysiloxane-liquid (PSQ-L) is introduced for defining the waveguides and for use as both core and cladding layer for the waveguides. The waveguide circuits are replicated by a simple ultraviolet-based soft lithography method consisting of two steps. All-polymer microring resonators are fabricated by this approach and characterized. About 6-dB extinction ratio at the through port and 18-dB extinction ratio at the drop port is demonstrated. A Q-factor of 4.2 x 10(4) is obtained. Extracted from the measured spectrum, the scattering loss of the ring waveguides is estimated to be about 1.6 dB/cm. This easy fabrication technique can be easily extended to fabricate other devices.

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