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- [1]郭方芳.A Novel Smoothing Approach for Linear Objective Optimizations Subject[J],IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems,2021,29(8):2444-2450
- [2]郭方芳, 付荣, Shen, Jie.Inverses of fuzzy relation matrices with addition-min composition[J],FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS,2024,490
- [3]Jie SHEN, 郭方芳, 庞丽萍.Convergence analysis of an infeasible quasi-Newton bundle method for nonsmooth convex programming[J],Frontiers of Mathematics in China,2024,18(5):367-380
- [4]Shen, Jie, 郭方芳, Xu, Na.A Nonconvex Proximal Bundle Method for Nonsmooth Constrained Optimization[J],Complexity,2024,2024
- [5]Ren, Yonghong, Sun, Yuchao, Li, Dachen, 郭方芳.A DC approximation approach for optimization with probabilistic constraints based on Chen-Harker-...[J],MATHEMATICAL METHODS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH,2024
- [6]沈洁, 郭方芳, 庞丽萍.非光滑凸规划不可行拟牛顿算法的收敛性分析[J],数学进展,2022,45(2):299-308
- [7]郭方芳, 庞丽萍.运筹学系列课程教学内容的整合与优化[J],大连理工大学学报,2022,33(1):165-167
- [8]陈双, 庞丽萍, 郭方芳, 夏尊铨.Stochastic methods based on Newton method to the stochastic variational inequality problem with...[J],MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING,2022,55(3-4):779-784
- [9]郭方芳.Solving interval-valued fuzzy relation equations with a linear objective function[A],Proceedings of the six international conference on fuzzy systems and knowledge discovery,2022,4:380-385
- [10]郭方芳, 任咏红.Several Classes of Polynomial-Time Solvable Fuzzy Relational Inequalities[A],11th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD),2022,36-41
- [11]任咏红, 郭方芳, 杨黎.NONLINEAR LAGRANGIANS FOR NONLINEAR PROGRAMMING BASED ON MODIFIED FISCHER-BURMEISTER NCP FUNCTI...[J],Journal of Computational Mathematics,2022,33(4):396-414
- [12]庞丽萍, 景书杰, 郭方芳.用建模思想建设运筹学课程[J],曲阜师范大学学报(学术理论与教育研究),2022,36(137):72-73
- [13]郭方芳.Chance constrained support vector machine: an application to image segmentation[J],Advances in Compter Science and Engineering,2022,14(1):1-18
- [14]叶昕辰, Zhang, Mingliang, Yang, Jingyu, 樊鑫, 郭方芳.A sparsity-promoting image decomposition model for depth recovery[J],PATTERN RECOGNITION,2022,107
- [15]郭方芳, Shen, Jie.A Smoothing Approach for Minimizing A Linear Function Subject to Fuzzy Relation Inequalities wi...[J],International Journal of Fuzzy Systems,2022,21(1):281-290
- [16]Lu, Yuan, 庞丽萍, 郭方芳, 夏尊铨.A superlinear space decomposition algorithm for constrained nonsmooth convex program[J],JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS,2022,234(1):224-232
- [17]Shen, Jie, Gao, Ya-Li, 郭方芳, 赵蕊.A Redistributed Bundle Algorithm for Generalized Variational Inequality Problems in Hilbert Spa...[J],ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH,2022,35(4)
- [18]Shen, Jie, Li, Jia-Tong, 郭方芳, Xu, Na.A redistributed bundle algorithm based on local convexification models for nonlinear nonsmooth DC...[J],JOURNAL OF NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS,2022,29(2):159-170
- [19]郭方芳, Shen, Jie.A Novel Smoothing Approach for Linear Objective Optimizations Subject to Fuzzy Relation Inequalit...[J],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS,2022,29(8):2444-2450
- [20]Shen, Jie, Lv, Jian, 郭方芳, Gao, Ya-Li, 赵蕊.A NEW PROXIMAL CHEBYCHEV CENTER CUTTING PLANE ALGORITHM FOR NONSMOOTH OPTIMIZATION AND ITS CONV...[J],Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization,2022,14(3):1143-1155