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个人信息Personal Information
任职 : 抗震所所长
学科:水工结构工程. 结构工程. 防灾减灾工程及防护工程
- [41]林皋, Han, Zejun, 李建波.An efficient approach for dynamic impedance of surface footing on layered half-space[J],SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING,2022,49:39-51
- [42]Zhon, Hong, 林皋, 李建波, 陈健云.An efficient time-domain damping solvent extraction algorithm and its application to arch dam-f...[J],COMMUNICATIONS IN NUMERICAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING,2022,24(9):727-748
- [43]李建波, Wang, Ji-dong, Fu, Bing, 林皋.An improved mixed-radix FFT technique and its application in frequency spectral analysis[A],International Conference on Vibration, Structural Engineering and Measurement (ICVSEM2012),2022,226-228:560-567
- [44]李建波, 林皋.An improved modeling method for the meso-scopic dynamic analysis of concrete[A],The 10th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics,2022
- [45]李建波, 陈健云.An improved numerical time-domain approach for the dynamic dam-foundation-reservoir interaction a...[A],14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering. ,October 12-17,2008,BeJing,China,2022
- [46]李建波, 林皋.A New Numerical Technique for the Solution of Wave Scattering Problem[A],15th International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering,2022
- [47]Ya, Shukai, Eisentrager, Sascha, Song, Chongmin, 李建波.An open-source ABAQUS implementation of the scaled boundary finite element method to study interf...[J],COMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING,2022,381
- [48]李建波, gaoxin, Fu, Xing-an, Wu, Chenglin, 林皋.A Nonlinear Crack Model for Concrete Structure Based on an Extended Scaled Boundary Finite Elem...[J],Applied Sciences Basel,2022,8(7)
- [49]钟红, 林皋, 李建波.Application of Parallel Computing to Seismic Damage Process Simulation of an Arch Dam[A],9th World Congress on Computational Mechanics/4th Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics,2022,10(1)
- [50]Yin Xunqiang, 李建波, Wu Chenglin, 林皋.ANSYS implementation of damping solvent stepwise extraction method for nonlinear seismic analys...[J],SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING,2022,44:139-152
- [51]林皋, 刘俊, 李建波, 胡志强.A scaled boundary finite element approach for sloshing analysis of liquid storage tanks[J],ENGINEERING ANALYSIS WITH BOUNDARY ELEMENTS,2022,56:70-80
- [52]李志远, 胡志强, 林皋, 李建波.A scaled boundary finite element method procedure for arch dam-water-foundation rock interaction ...[J],Computers and Geotechnics,2022,141
- [53]林皋, Han, Zejun, 钟红, 李建波.A precise integration approach for dynamic impedance of rigid strip footing on arbitrary anisot...[J],SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING,2022,49:96-108
- [54]李志远, 李建波, 林皋.A precise radiation boundary method for dynamic response of a double-layered tunnel embedded in...[J],JOURNAL OF APPLIED GEOPHYSICS,2022,162:93-107
- [55]林皋, 李志远, 李建波.A substructure replacement technique for the numerical solution of wave scattering problem[J],SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING,2022,111:87-97
- [56]李建波, 杨竞, 林皋.A stepwise damping-solvent extraction method for large-scale dynamic soil-structure interaction...[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL AND ANALYTICAL METHODS IN GEOMECHANICS,2022,32(4):415-436
- [57]李建波, 林皋.Damage Simulation of Large-Scale Concrete Structures Subjected to Earthquake Excitation Based on ...[A],15WCEE,2022
- [58]Zhu, Chaolei, 林皋, 李建波.Modelling cohesive crack growth in concrete beams using scaled boundary finite element method b...[J],COMPUTERS STRUCTURES,2022,121:76-86
- [59]李建波, Fu, Xing-an, Chen, Bai-bin, Wu, Chenglin, 林皋.Modeling crack propagation with the extended scaled boundary finite element method based on the...[J],COMPUTERS STRUCTURES,2022,167:50-68
- [60]钟红, 林皋, 李建波.Modeling of arch dam-foundation interaction based on damping solvent extraction method[A],Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering(ICCEE2010),2022