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个人信息Personal Information
任职 : 抗震所所长
学科:水工结构工程. 结构工程. 防灾减灾工程及防护工程
- [61]刘君, 李建波, Li, Peng, 林皋, 许条建, 陈丽芬.New application of the isogeometric boundary representations methodology with SBFEM to seepage ...[J],COMPUTERS FLUIDS,2022,174:241-255
- [62]李建波, 林皋.Numerical research on the equivalent transformation between structural dynamic analysis in time-d...[A],The 14th world Conference on Earthquake Engineering,2022
- [63]李建波, 陈健云, 林皋.Refined sub-regional reciprocal method in time domain for dynamic soil-structure interaction anal...[J],Gongcheng Lixue/Engineering Mechanics,2022,22(3):88-96
- [64]李建波, 林皋.Research of the SSI Model of Nuclear Power Plant Built on Multi-layered Foundation[A],15th International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering,2022
- [65]李建波, 林皋.Research on Dynamic Calculation Parameters of Multi-layered Soil for Free Field Analysis[A],15th International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering,2022
- [66]李建波, 林皋, 刘俊, 李志远.Research on the attribution evaluating methods of dynamic effects of various parameter uncertai...[J],Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration,2022,16(1):47-54
- [67]李建波, 林皋.Research on the heterogeneity analysis model for the soil foundations of nuclear power facilities[A],14th International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering,2022
- [68]刘俊, 林皋, 李建波.Scaled boundary FEM solution of 3D liquid sloshing in containers with complex axisymmetric geomet...[A],23rd International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE 2013,2022,284-289
- [69]林皋, 刘君, 李建波, Fang, H..Scaled boundary finite element approach for waveguide eigenvalue problem[J],IET Microwaves Antennas Propagation,2022,5(12):1508-1515
- [70]李建波, 刘俊, 林皋.Scaled boundary finite element method analysis of sloshing in Axi-symmetric vessels[A],25th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE 2015,2022,2015-January:905-910
- [71]刘君, 林皋, Wang, F.-M., 李建波.Scaled boundary finite element method for analysis of electrostatic field problems[J],Dalian Ligong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Dalian University of Technology,2022,51(5):731-736
- [72]钟红, 林皋, Li, Xiaoyan, 李建波.Seismic failure modeling of concrete dams considering heterogeneity of concrete[J],SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING,2022,31(12):1678-1689
- [73]Zhu, Xiuyun, 李建波, 林皋, Pan, Rong, 李良.Sensitivity Analysis of Steel-Plate Concrete Containment against a Large Commercial Aircraft[J],ENERGIES,2022,14(10)
- [74]Yan, Dongming, 李建波, Chen, Genda.Seismic performance evaluation of the Highway N high-voltage Substation[J],International Journal of Steel Structures,2022,15(1):153-163
- [75]刘俊, 林皋, 李建波.Short-crested waves interaction with a concentric cylindrical structure with double-layered per...[J],OCEAN ENGINEERING,2022,40:76-90
- [76]刘君, 林皋, 李建波.Short-Crested Waves Interaction with A Concentric Porous Cylinder System with Partially Porous ...[J],China Ocean Engineering,2022,26(2):217-234
- [77]林皋, Han, Z., 李建波.Soil-structure interaction analysis on anisotropic stratified medium[J],GEOTECHNIQUE,2022,64(7):570-580
- [78]李建波, 林皋, 刘俊.Study on characteristics of non-homogeneous foundation and the seismic analysis model of nuclear ...[A],The 14th International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering (2015 ICCEE),2022
- [79]Zhu, Xiuyun, Pan, Rong, 李建波, 林皋.Study of isolation effectiveness of nuclear reactor building with three-dimensional seismic base ...[J],ENGINEERING COMPUTATIONS,2022
- [80]Zhu, C. L., 李建波, 林皋, 钟红.Study on the relationship between stress intensity factor and J integral for mixed mode crack w...[A],9th World Congress on Computational Mechanics/4th Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics,2022,10(1)