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任职 : 抗震所所长
学科:水工结构工程. 结构工程. 防灾减灾工程及防护工程
- [81]朱秀英, 李建波, 林皋, 胡志强.Study on numerical solution to soil dynamic impedance for nuclear power plants based on SBFEM[J],核动力工程,2022,32(SUPPL. 1):48-53
- [82]陈健云, 李建波, 林皋, Ma, Xiuping.Sub-regional explicit-implicit recursive method with mixed step-size strategy in time domain for ...[J],Yanshilixue Yu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering,2022,26(12):2481-2487
- [83]Mei, Runyu, 李建波, 林皋, Zhu, Xiuyun.Dynamic assessment of the seismic isolation influence for various aircraft impact loads on the ...[J],Nuclear Engineering and Technology,2022,50(8):1387-1401
- [84]肖诗云, 李建波, Mo, Y. L..Dynamic behaviours of reinforced concrete columns under cyclic loading with variable rates[J],ADVANCES IN STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING,2022,23(4):779-793
- [85]李志远, 李建波, 林皋.Dynamic Response of Arbitrarily Shaped Foundation Embedded in Multilayered Partially Saturated ...[J],International Journal of Geomechanics,2022,19(11)
- [86]Han, Zejun, 林皋, 李建波.Dynamic Impedance Functions for Arbitrary-Shaped Rigid Foundation Embedded in Anisotropic Multi...[J],JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MECHANICS,2022,142(1)
- [87]李建波, 刘君, 林皋.Dynamic interaction numerical models in the time domain based on the high performance scaled bo...[J],Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration,2022,12(4):541-546
- [88]Han, Zejun, 林皋, 李建波.Dynamic 3D Foundation-Soil-Foundation Interaction on Stratified Soil[J],International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics,2022,17(3)
- [89]李建波, 陈健云, 林皋.Extended finite element method for modeling cracks without remeshing (I: Basic theory)[J],Jisuan Lixue Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics,2022,23(2):207-213
- [90]Zhou, Lei, 李建波, 钟红, 林皋, Li, Zhongcheng.Fragility comparison analysis of CPR1000 PWR containment subjected to internal pressure[J],NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN,2022,330:250-264
- [91]林皋, 李建波.General formulation and solution procedure for harmonic response[J],SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING,2022,70(1):48-59
- [92]林皋, Han, Zejun, 李建波.General formulation and solution procedure for harmonic response of rigid foundation on isotrop...[J],SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING,2022,70:48-59
- [93]林皋, Jing Yueling, 李建波.High frequency S wave envelope synthesis using a multiple nonisotropic scattering model: applic...[J],Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration,2022,12(2):185-194
- [94]李建波, 林皋.Dynamic response analysis of the isolated nuclear containment under coupling aircraft crash loads[A],15th International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering,2016
- [95]肖诗云, 李建波, Mo, Yi-Lung.Dynamic bending behaviours of RC beams under monotonic loading with variable rates[J],Computers and Concrete,2017,20(3):349-360
- [96]林皋, 李建波.Dynamic Response of Footings on Stratified Soil Using the Precise Integration Method[A],15WCEE,2012
- [97]林皋, Zhu, C., 李建波, Hu, Z..Dynamic crack propagation analysis using scaled boundary finite element method[J],Transactions of Tianjin University,2013,19(6):391-397
- [98]李建波, 刘俊, 林皋.Dynamic interaction numerical models in time-domain on the basis of high performance scaled bound...[J],Earthquake Engineering & Engineering Vibration,2013,12(4):541-547
- [99]李建波, 林皋.Dynamic 3D Foundation–Soil–Foundation Interaction on Stratified Soil[J],International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics,2016,12(12):1750032-1750032
- [100]尹训强, 李建波, 林皋.DSEM时域数值模型求解关键影响因素分析[J],大连理工大学学报,2012,52(2):246-252