论文名称:Effects of Impurities Distribution on the Crystal Structure and Electrical Properties of Multi-crystalline Silicon Ingots 论文类型:会议论文 收录刊物:CPCI-S、EI、Scopus 卷号:675-677 页面范围:101-+ 关键字:multi-crystalline silicon ingot; vacuum induction melting; impurities; electrical properties 摘要:Multi-crystalline silicon ingots were prepared by directional solidification using vacuum induction melting furnace. The content of aluminum and iron deeply decreased in the columnar crystal region of the multi-crystalline silicon ingots. The columnar crystal growth broke off corresponded to the iron contents sharply increased. The height of columnar crystal in the silicon ingots related to the pulling rates had been clarified by the constitutional supercooling theory. The maximum of the resistivity and the minority carrier lifetime closed to the transition zone where the conductive type changed from p-type to n-type in silicon ingots. Further analysis suggested that the electrical properties were related to the contents of shallow level impurities aluminum; boron and phosphorus. 发表时间:2010-06-26