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学科:流体机械及工程. 动力机械及工程
- [1]杨思雨, 徐宝鹏, 田夫, Wang, Bin.Aerodynamic performance of high-lift blades in low-pressure turbines with periodic upstream wakes[J],Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology,2024,37(5):2425-2437
- [2]田夫, 袁国凯, 刘维.大功率电站汽轮机调节级的设计理念探讨[J],东方汽轮机,2022,1:6-10
- [3]田夫, 孙涛, 谢蓉, 王晓放.工科院校生产实习工作的问题及建议[J],实验技术与管理,2022,12:179-182
- [4]蓝吉兵, 孔建强, 隋永枫, 丁旭东, 毛汉忠, 王晓放, 田夫.工业汽轮机高效压力级叶型优化与实验[J],热力透平,2022,48(4):243-247
- [5]杨龙君, 刘扬, 李想, 田夫.微型风力热泵系统的研究[J],能源研究与利用,2022,3:31-32
- [6]Liu, Yueying, 荆振国, Qiang, Li, Ang, Teng, Chang-an, Cheung, Yang, Lee, 田夫, 彭伟.Differential-pressure fiber-optic airflow sensor for wind tunnel testing[J],OPTICS EXPRESS,2022,28(17):25101-25113
- [7]赵广, 田夫, 刘艳.Dynamic Simulations of AP1000 Nuclear Main Pump Rotor System.[A],2011 International Conference on Electronic & Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology (EMEIT 2011),2022
- [8]赵广, Yu J., 田夫, 刘瑜, 郭旭, Duan Y..Dynamic simulations of API000 nuclear main pump rotor system[A],2011 International Conference on Electronic and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology, EMEIT 2011,2022,4:1672-1674
- [9]Shuo Zhang, 田夫, 王晓放, Qiang Gao, Yongfeng Sui, Jjibin Lan.Investigation of the secondary crossflow at the rectangular exit of a low-speed sectioned contrac...[A],ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition. 2020. November 16-19, Portland, Oregon, USA,2022,IMECE2020-23447
- [10]田夫, 袁国凯, 刘维.一种特殊结构微型汽轮机的设计方法及数值验证[J],节能,2022,11:75-78
- [11]gaoqiang, 田夫, 王晓放, 孙涛, 徐瑞祥, 张海涛.五孔探针形变与振动对透平机械复杂流场测量精度的影响[J],测试技术学报,2022,3:196-200
- [12]田夫, 袁国凯, 刘维, 高俊帅.传动齿轮箱内润滑油温度的简化计算方法与实验验证[J],机械传动,2022,38(5):114-117
- [13]田夫, 钟兢军.端壁翼刀降低叶栅损失机理的实验研究[A],中国工程热物理学会2008年热机气动热力学与流体机械学术会议,2022
- [14]田夫, 钟兢军.端壁翼刀降低叶栅损失机理的实验研究[J],工程热物理学报,2022,7:1125-1128
- [15]孙涛, 田夫, 赵广, 王晓放.论大学生校外实践教育基地建设对高校实践教学的作用[A],2013高等院校教育与教学研讨会,2022,843-846
- [16]王红, Zhao, T., Ren, N., 田夫, 李冲.Multi-objective optimization conceptual design of substation equipment with hybrid genetic algori...[J],Liaoning Gongcheng Jishu Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Liaoning Technical University (Natural Science Edition),2022,40(3):270-274
- [17]田夫.Numerical Simulation and Analysis on Gas Turbine Blade Erosion caused by Particle Flow.[A],2011 3rd International Conference on Mechanical and Electrical Technology(ICMET 2011),2022
- [18]Yu, Jian, 田夫, 马铭, 王晓放.Numerical Simulation of the Nuclear Main Pump in the Sbloca[A],SSITE International Conference on Future Material Research and Industry Application (FMRIA 2011),2022,455-456:314-319
- [19]田夫, 王晓放.Numerical Simulation of the Nuclear Primary in the SBLOCA[A],2011 International Conference on Energy and Environment(ICEE),2022
- [20]Ma, Yu-Hui, 田夫, 王晓放.Numerical Simulation of Flow in Rectangular Duct Considered Rotational Effect[A],3rd Joint International Conference on Modelling and Simulation/3rd International Conference on Information and Computing Science,2022,247-250