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个人信息Personal Information
学科:环境工程. 环境科学
联系方式:电话:0411-84707193 (Office) Email:xiyuncai@dlut.edu.cn QQ:1851430298或xycai1978@163.com
- [1]Liu, Huihui, 蔡喜运, 陈景文.Mathematical Model for Cyclodextrin Alteration of Bioavailability of Organic Pollutants[J],环境科学与技术,2022,47(11):5835-5842
- [2]Lin, Jing, 陈景文, Wang, Ying, 蔡喜运, Wei, Xiaoxuan, 乔显亮.More toxic and photoresistant products from photodegradation of fenoxaprop-p-ethyl[J],JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY,2022,56(17):8226-8230
- [3]张玉, 蔡喜运, Xiong, Weina, Jiang, Hao, Zhao, Haitong, Yang, Xianhai, Li, Chao, 傅志强, 陈景文.Molecular Insights into the pH-Dependent Adsorption and Removal of Ionizable Antibiotic Oxytetr...[J],PLoS One,2022,9(1):e86228
- [4]Chen, Xiaoyang, 陈景文, 乔显亮, Wang, Degao, 蔡喜运.Performance of nano-Co3O4/peroxymonosulfate system: Kinetics and mechanism study using Acid Ora...[J],APPLIED CATALYSIS B ENVIRONMENTAL,2022,80(1-2):116-121
- [5]陈景文, 乔显亮, 蔡喜运.Performance of nano-Co3O4/peroxymonosulfate systems: kinetics and mechanism study using acid oran...[J],APPLIED CATALYSIS B ENVIRONMENTAL,2022,80(1):116-121
- [6]Ge LinKe, 陈景文, Zhang SiYu, 蔡喜运, Wang Zhuang, Wang ChunLing.Photodegradation of fluoroquinolone antibiotic gatifloxacin in aqueous solutions[J],科学通报,2022,55(15):1495-1500
- [7]mazhe, 王杰琼, 陈景文, 乔显亮, 李雪花, 蔡喜运.pH对不同来源溶解性有机质光致生成活性物种量子产率的影响[J],环境化学,2022,36(9):1889-1895
- [8]Qi, Xiaojuan, 李雪花, Yao, Hongye, Huang, Yang, 蔡喜运, 陈景文, Zh, Hao.Predicting plant cuticle-water partition coefficients for organic pollutants using pp-LFER mode...[J],SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2022,725:138455
- [9]Wang, Ya-nan, 陈景文, 李雪花, Bin, 蔡喜运, 黄丽萍.Predicting rate constants of hydroxyl radical reactions with organic pollutants: Algorithm, val...[J],ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT,2022,43(5,SI):1131-1135
- [10]陈景文, 李雪花, 蔡喜运, 黄丽萍.Predicting rate constants of hydroxyl radical reaction with organic pollutants: algorithm, valida...[J],Atom. Environ.,2022,43(5):1131-1135
- [11]蔡喜运, Xiong, Weina, Xia, Tingling, 陈景文.Probing the Stereochemistry of Successive Sulfoxidation of the Insecticide Fenamiphos in Soils[J],环境科学与技术,2022,48(19):11277-11285
- [12]蔡霖, 席普宇, 谢晴, 李雪花, 乔显亮, 谢宏彬, 陈景文, 蔡喜运.QuEChERS方法联合HPLC-MS/MS和GC-MS测定土壤中110种农药残留[J],农业环境科学学报,2022,8:1680-1688
- [13]Zhang, Siyu, 陈景文, 乔显亮, Ge, Linke, 蔡喜运, Na, Guangshui.Quantum Chemical Investigation and Experimental Verification on the Aquatic Photochemistry of t...[J],环境科学与技术,2022,44(19,SI):7484-7490
- [14]王莹, 陈景文, 林晶, 蔡喜运.PTS光致毒性演变过程与机理[A],2008年中国毒理学会环境与生态毒理学专业委员会成立大会,2022,45-52
- [15]蔡喜运, Liu, Qingquan, Xia, Chunlong, Shan, Danna, Du, Juan, 陈景文.Recyclable Capture and Destruction of Aqueous Micropollutants Using the Molecule-Specific Cavit...[J],环境科学与技术,2022,49(15):9264-9272
- [16]Tian, Fulin, 陈景文, 乔显亮, 蔡喜运, yangping, Wang, Zhen, Degao.Source identification of PCDD/Fs and PCBs in pine (Cedrus deodara) needles: A case study in Dal...[J],ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT,2022,42(19):4769-4777
- [17]刘萍, 陈景文, 边海涛, lifei, 蔡喜运.酰胺类农药在白洋淀典型农田土壤上的吸附行为[J],湖南科技大学学报 自然科学版,2022,2:104-107
- [18]李欣萌, 商君阳, 李昂, 陈景文, 蔡喜运.铜离子络合对咪唑啉酮类除草剂土壤吸附的影响[J],湖南科技大学学报 自然科学版,2022,31(3):109-115
- [19]席普宇, Dost Muhammad, 蔡喜运.阿特拉津在典型农业区水体中的残留特征[A],第八届全国环境化学大会,2022,1-1
- [20]汪昭君, 王瑟, 崔娜, 陈景文, 蔡喜运.防腐剂布罗波尔及其转化产物对发光菌的毒性[J],中国环境科学,2022,11:999-1003