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学科:产业经济学. 旅游管理
- [1]廉欢, 王尔大.历史古迹旅游景区游憩属性价值评价研究 ——以沈阳东陵公园为例[J],地域研究与开发,2019,38(4):92-97
- [2]王亚如, 王尔大, 于洋.基于游客环境属性意愿支付的游憩承载力评价研究[J],系统工程理论与实践,2018,38(5):1153-1163
- [3]Wang, Erda, Kang, Nannan, Yu, Yang, NN (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Fac Management & Econ, Dalian 116023, Peoples R China..Valuing Urban Landscape Using Subjective Well-Being Data: Empirical Evidence from Dalian, China[J],SUSTAINABILITY,2018,10(1)
- [4]Yu Yang, 王尔大, Liu Guangdong.Empirical study on the fishfarmers’ willingness to participate in the Chinese rural cooperative ...[J],Applied Economics Letters,2018
- [5]亢楠楠, 王尔大, 于洋.Valuing forest park attributes by giving consideration to the tourist satisfaction[J],Tourism economics,2018
- [6]王尔大, 亢楠楠.Does life satisfaction matter for pro-environmental behavior? Empirical evidence from China Gener...[J],Quality & Quantity,2018
- [7]Yu Yang, Liu Guangdong, Wang Erda.Empirical Study on Fish Farmer's Demand of Newform Rural Cooperative Finance[A],2018,166-171
- [8]朱佳玮, 王尔大, 孙文章.基于特征价格模型的滨海公园门票价格影响因素分析——以大连滨海公园为例[J],运筹与管理,2017,26(9):94-104
- [9]亢楠楠, 王尔大.主观幸福感对居民环境行为的影响研究[J],统计研究,2017,34(5):82-93
- [10]段增辉, 亢楠楠, 王尔大.基于居民生活满意度的城市景观经济价值评价——以大连市为例[J],技术经济,2017,36(3):114-121
- [11]Wang, Erda, Wei, Jianhua, Zhu, Jiawei, ED (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Business Management, 2 Linggong Rd, Dalian 116024, Liaoning, Peoples R China..The effects of improving coastal park attributes on the recreation demand-A case study in Dalia...[J],TOURISM ECONOMICS,2017,23(1):133-149
- [12]王尔大.Assessing recreation carrying capacity of the environment attributes based on[J],Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research,2017,22(9):1-12
- [13]王尔大.Research on factors contributing to the sea island tourists’ loyalty based on a combined SEM and...[A],2017,28-29
- [14]Wang, Erda, Yaru, Yu, Yang, YR (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Business Management, 2 Linggong Rd, Dalian 116024, Liaoning, Peoples R China..Assessing recreation carrying capacity of the environment attributes based on visitors' willing...[J],ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF TOURISM RESEARCH,2017,22(9):965-976
- [15]王尔大, 高威.我国旅游就业影响因素研究——基于省级面板数据的实证分析[J],商业研究,2016,12:179-184
- [16]韦健华, 王尔大.基于陈述性与显示性偏好联合方法的旅游需求模型及应用[J],运筹与管理,2016,25(5):270-277
- [17]Piriyapada, Sunida, Wang, Erda, S (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Business Management, Dept Human Resource & Tourism Management, 2 Linggong Rd, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Valuing Consumer Surplus for the Beach Resources at Ko Chang National Marine Park in Thailand[J],ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF TOURISM RESEARCH,2016,21(7):763-781
- [18]Wang, Erda, Zhu, Jiawei, Yu, Yang.Effects of the Coastal Park Environment Attributes on Its Admission Fee Charges[A],2016,68
- [19]王尔大.Effects of Coastal Park’s Environmental Attributes on Its Admission Fee Charges[A],2016
- [20]王尔大.Valuing consumer surplus for the beach resources at KO Change NationalMarine Park in Tainland[A],2016,21(7):1-19