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- [1]徐秀娟, Zhang, Ruisi, 许真珍, 丁锋, 赵小薇.Visualization of Ranking Authors Based on Social Networks Analysis and Bibliometrics[A],13th International Conference on Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering (CDVE),2022,9929:288-295
- [2]薛昕惟, 赵小薇, 王祎, 田琳琳, 李豪杰, 林驰.专业课程群知识图谱可视化平台的设计与现实[J],实验室研究与探索,2022,37(7):102-105
- [3]韩瑜, 邵诚, 赵小薇.二维平面网格上移动成本群体合作行为研究[J],计算机工程与应用,2022,54(13):47-51
- [4]韩瑜, 邵诚, 赵小薇.二维平面网格上移动成本群体合作行为研究[J],计算机工程与应用,2022,13:47-51
- [5]田琳琳, 于红, 赵小薇, 蒋光远.体验学习在程序设计基础实验教学中的应用[J],大连理工大学学报 社会科学版,2022,35(z2):129-133
- [6]徐秀娟, 赵小薇, 单世民, 刘宇.全程案例驱动的“IT服务管理”教学方法探索[J],大连理工大学学报 社会科学版,2022,34(2):111-113
- [7]赵小薇, 姜国海, 马瑞新, 许真珍.创新研究生学生组织形式,提高研究生思想政治教育有效性的研究[A],辽宁省高等学校研究生思想政治教育研究会2013年会,2022
- [8]徐秀娟, 王伟, 刘宇, 赵小薇, 许真珍, 周红媚.A Bibliographic Analysis and Collaboration Patterns of IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPO...[J],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS,2022,17(8):2238-2247
- [9]Shi Z., 刘宇, Yan Y., 赵小薇.A hierarchical community detection method in complex networks[J],Journal of Computational Information Systems,2022,9(24):9715-9724
- [10]赵小薇, 夏昊翔, 于红, 田琳琳.Agents' cooperation based on long-term reciprocal altruism[A],25th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems, IEA/AIE 2012,2022,7345 LNAI:689-698
- [11]许真珍, Chen, Xin, 徐秀娟, 赵小薇, Dai, Jie, Jia, Mingfei.A look-ahead algorithm for online multiple workflow scheduling problem in heterogeneous systems[J],CONCURRENT ENGINEERING RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS,2022,25(4):331-342
- [12]于红, 张宪超, 杨元生, 赵小薇, Cai L..An extended ISOMAP by enhancing similarity for clustering[A],25th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems, IEA/AIE 2012,2022,7345 LNAI:808-815
- [13]徐秀娟, Gao, Xiaobo, 赵小薇, 许真珍, Chang, Huajian.A Novel Algorithm for Urban Traffic Congestion Detection Based on GPS Data Compression[A],IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics (SOLI),2022,107-112
- [14]许真珍, 赵小薇, 徐秀娟, 胡志强, 陈鑫.AUV协同设计平台中多任务流调度算法研究[J],计算机应用研究,2022,31(5):1345-1348
- [15]于红, 田琳琳, 赵小薇, 韩瑜.“C++程序设计”课程研究型教学探索[J],大连理工大学学报 社会科学版,2022,34(z2):29-30
- [16]于红, 赵小薇, 张宪超.Clustering Using ISOMAP with Neighbor Path Based Distance[J],International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology(IJACT),2022,5(5):1067-1074
- [17]徐秀娟, 赵小薇, 单世民, 刘宇.Content-Based Emotion Classification in Online Social Networks for Chinese Microblogs[A],The Australasian Web Conference (AWC 2017) As part of Australasian Computer Science Week 2017 (ACSW 2017),2022,52-10
- [18]赵小薇, 夏昊翔.Cooperation with Tolerance Based on Long-term Return in Multi-Agent System[A],6th International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems,2022,75-82
- [19]许真珍, 徐秀娟, 赵小薇."C语言程序设计"课程学生调查结果分析[J],大连理工大学学报 社会科学版,2022,35(z2):146-148
- [20]赵小薇, 姜国海, 马瑞新, 徐秀娟.研究生实习实践管理工作几点问题与思考[A],大连理工大学教育教学研讨会研究生培养分会,2022