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Paper Publications
[21]姚伟岸, 高强.A new kind of analytical singularity element and its application in cohesive zone model based cra...[A],2016
[22]Zhang, Liang, Gao, Qiang, Liu, Yin, Hongwu, HW (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Fac Vehicle Engn & Mech, Dalian, Peoples R China..An efficient finite element formulation for nonlinear analysis of clustered tensegrity[J],ENGINEERING COMPUTATIONS,2016,33(1):252-273
[23]Gao, Q., Zhang, J., H. W., Zhong, W. X., Q (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Struct Anal Ind Equipment, Dept Engn Mech, Fac Vehicle Engn & Mech, Dalian 116023, Peoples R China..The analytical solutions for the wave propagation in a stretched string with a moving mass[J],WAVE MOTION,2015,59:1-28
[24]Peng, Haijun, Gao, Qiang, Wu, Zhigang, Zhong, Wanxie, HJ (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Dept Engn Mech, State Key Lab Struct Anal Ind Equipment, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Symplectic algorithms with mesh refinement for a hypersensitive optimal control problem[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER MATHEMATICS,2015,92(11):2273-2289
[25]孙雁, 高强, 钟万勰, Sun, Y., Department of Engineering Mechanics, School of Naval Architecture, Ocean, Civil Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong UniversityChina, email: sunyan@sjtu.edu.cn.非线性 Schr?dinger 方程的保辛数值求解[J],计算力学学报,2015,32(5):595-600,607
[26]吴锋, 徐小明, 李明武, 高强, 钟万勰.转子动力学横向振动基本方程[J],应用数学和力学,2015,36(10):1011-1018
[27]Wu, Feng, Gao, Qiang, Xu, Xiao-Ming, Zhong, Wan-Xie, Q (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Struct Anal Ind Equipment, Dept Engn Mech, Fac Vehicle Engn & Mech, Dalian 116023, Peoples R China..A Modified Computational Scheme for the Stochastic Perturbation Finite Element Method[J],LATIN AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SOLIDS AND STRUCTURES,2015,12(13):2480-2505
[28]Yao, Weian, Yu, Bo, Gao, Xiaowei, Qiang, Q (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Struct Anal Ind Equipment, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..A precise integration boundary element method for solving transient heat conduction problems[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,2014,78:883-891
[29]Mao, Ling, Yao, Weian, Gao, Qiang, Zhong, Wanxie, Q (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Struct Anal Ind Equipment, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Rational finite element method for plane orthotropic elastic problems[J],STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING AND MECHANICS,2014,51(6):923-937
[30]Peng, Hai-jun, Zhong, Wan-xie, Wu, Zhi-gang, Zhang, Hong-wu, Gao, Qiang, Q (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Dept Engn Mech, State Key Lab Struct Anal Ind Equipment, Dalian 116024, Liaoning Provin, Peoples R China..Parametric variational solution of linear-quadratic optimal control problems with control inequ...[J],APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS-ENGLISH EDITION,2014,35(9):1079-1098
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