Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2009-01-01
Journal:Journal of Chemical Physics
Included Journals:EI
ISSN No.:00219606
Abstract:Gas phase electronic transitions for the C˜ B22X˜ A21and D˜ B21X˜ A21band systems of T-shaped AlC2(C2v) radical have been measured in the 345-475 nm range. Vibrational analyses of both band systems are reported. Simulation of several rotationally resolved bands confirms previously obtained rotational parameters for the C˜ B22state. The radical is produced by ablating an aluminum rod in the presence of acetylene gas. The resulting supersonic molecular beam is probed using both mass-selective resonant two-color two-photon ionization and laser induced fluorescence. Ab initio calculations and vertical electronic excitation energies help the assignment. Vibrational frequencies for the X˜ A21, C˜ B22, and D˜ B21states have been determined. Rotational analysis of a number of bands yields spectroscopic constants for one vibronic state in the C˜ B22manifold and the origin band of the D˜ B21X˜ A21system. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.