Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2014-08-01
Included Journals:SCIE、ESI高被引论文、Scopus、ESI热点论文
Page Number:419-438
ISSN No.:2095-0462
Key Words:laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy; laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS); quantitative analysis; signal enhancement; application; coal; metal; environment; energy
Abstract:Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) has been regarded as a future superstar for chemical analysis for years due to its unique features such as little or no sample preparation, remote sensing, and fast and multi-element analysis. Chinese LIBS community is one of the most dynamically developing communities in the World. The aim of the work is to inspect what have been done in China for LIBS development and, based on the understanding of the overall status, to identify the challenges and opportunities for the future development. In this paper, the scientific contributions from Chinese LIBS community are reviewed for the following four aspects: fundamentals, instrumentation, data processing and modeling, and applications; and the driving force of LIBS development in China is analyzed, the critical issues for successful LIBS application are discussed, and in our opinion, the potential direction to improve the technology and to realize large scale commercialization in China is proposed.