个人信息Personal Information
学科:软件工程. 计算机软件与理论
联系方式:Email: zkchen@dlut.edu.cn Moble:13478461921 微信:13478461921 QQ:1062258606
- [441]陶莹, 陈志奎, 程晨, 陈茏久.基于自适应邻域选择克隆遗传算法的WCN资源参数优化[J],电脑知识与技术,2012,08(10):2207-2211
- [442]陈志奎, 夏锋.A localization method for the Internet of Things[J],Journal of supercompting,2012,12(9):1-10
- [443]陈志奎.基于物联网和超声导波的管道检测系统[J],International journal of communication systems,2012,25(9):1139-1159
- [444]陈志奎.ressure Information of Bridges Collection System Based on the IoT[A],2012
- [445]Chen Z., Wang H., Liu Y., Bu F., Wei Z., Chen, Z., School of Software, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116620, China, email: zkchen@dlut.edu.cn.A context-aware routing protocol on internet of things based on sea computing model[J],Journal of Computers,2012,7(1):96-105
- [446]Yang L., Chen Z., Lv X..Principal-agent theory model in dynamic spectrum sharing[A],2011,139-143
- [447]Chen Z., Li Z., Liu Y., Li J., Chen J..Quasi real-time evaluation system for seismic disaster based on internet of things[A],2011,520-524
- [448]Xu J., Bu F., Si W., Qiu Y., Chen Z..An algorithm of weighted monte carlo localization based on smallest enclosing circle[A],2011,157-161
- [449]朴勇, 王秀坤, 陈志奎, 王征.基于CWM商业报告多维分析模型的构建[J],计算机科学,2011,38(9):164-167
- [450]陈志奎, 邱一腾, 李良, 卜范玉, 韦哲.物联网中基于历史上下文的决策模型(英文)[J],计算机研究与发展,2011,S2:314-319
- [451]陈志奎, 邱一腾, 李良, 卜范玉, 韦哲.物联网中基于历史上下文的决策模型[A],2011,314-319
- [452]Cao Y., Yu Y., Lin C.-Y., Yue P., Zhu J., Chen Z..Leveraging unlabeled data to scale blocking for record linkage[A],2011,2211-2217
- [453]陈志奎, 司威.传感器网络的粒子群优化定位算法[J],通信技术,2011,44(1):102-104,108
- [454]陈志奎.Deluge Computing in the Internet of Things[A],2011
- [455]陈志奎.A Weighted Monte Carlo Localization Algorithm Based on Smallest Enclosing Circle[A],2011
- [456]陈志奎, 邱一腾, 李良, 卜范玉, 韦哲.物联网中基于历史上下文的决策模型[J],计算机研究与发展,2011,48(z2):314-319
- [457]Huang T., Chen Z., Xia F., Jin C., Li L..A practical localization algorithm based on wireless sensor networks[A],2010,50-54
- [458]Wang Y., Shi P., Li K., Chen Z..D-TDMA: An approach of dynamic TDMA scheduling for target tracking in wireless sensor networks[A],2010,546-553
- [459]Chen Z., Luo Y., Shao Z..A layered intersection scan algorithm based on semantic context[A],2010,422-425
- [460]Wei Z., Chen Z., Liu Y., Shao Z., Xia F., Jiang G..A WSN routing protocol based on the context-aware technology[A],2010,360-366