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    • 教授     博士生导师   硕士生导师
    • 性别:女
    • 毕业院校:中国科学院大连化学物理研究所
    • 学位:博士
    • 所在单位:环境学院
    • 学科:环境科学. 环境工程
    • 办公地点:环境楼B709
    • 联系方式:hxzhao@dlut.edu.cn
    • 电子邮箱:hxzhao@dlut.edu.cn






    联系信息:hxzhao@dlut.edu.cn; 15998426219

    赵洪霞,教授,博士生导师。20066月在中国科学院大连化学物理研究获得博士学位,先后在美国爱荷华大学开展博士后、访问学者、客座研究员研究。主要从事环境生态风险评估(机器学习模型等)、新污染物环境行为及土壤原位治理(植物修复等)方面的工作。先后主持国家自然科学基金项目5项,承担国家重点基础研究专项(973)课题,国家重点研发计划项目子课题,辽宁省自然科学基金等省部级项目20余项。已发表科研论文110余篇,在Environ Sci TechnolEnviron IntJ Hazard Mater, Chemosphere等期刊发表SCI收录论文87篇,ESI高被引论文4篇,出版专著1部,申请发明专利8项,发布国家标准1项,获辽宁省自然科学学术成果三等奖2项。目前担任国际期刊International Journal of Ecotoxicology and Ecobiology编委,国家自然科学基金评审专家,中国博士后基金、北京市自然科学基金等评审专家。


    1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目 “ 根系分泌物介导对土壤中典型有机磷酸酯(OPEs)根际吸收的影响机制研究”, 项目负责人2022.1-2025.12,76万

    2. 国家自然科学基金重点基金 “四溴双酚A及其衍生物在植物体内的分子转化机理研究 ”, 合作单位负责人,2022.1-2026.12,104万

    3. 国家重点研发计划课题"土壤有机污染物微界面多过程耦合降解机制与产物刻画"(2022YFC3701404)子课题负责人,2023.1-2026.12,90/380万

    4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目 “水体颗粒态NOM中环境持久性自由基的形成及对典型有机污染物光解的影响机制研究”, 项目负责人2017.1-2020.12,80万

    5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目 “基于EPR-LFP技术研究水体中OH-PBDEs的光化学形成机理” , 项目负责人2013.1-2016.12,80万

    6. 国家自然科学基金青年基金 “羟基多溴联苯醚在水生态系统中的生物积累研究”, 项目负责人2010.1-2012.12,19万

    7. 辽宁省教育厅重点实验室基础研究项目 “基于EPR-LFP技术研究水体天然有机质中环境持久性自由基的形成机理”, 项目负责人2015.7-2018.7,10万

    8. 国家重点基础研究专项(973)课题 “围填海活动对大江大河三角洲滨海湿地”, 项目骨干, 2013.9-2018.10,33万

    9. 辽宁省科学技术厅, 辽宁省自然科学基金,“典型滩涂植物翅碱蓬对有机磷酸酯复合污染湿地植物修复作用机制研究” 项目负责人2019.9 – 2021.9,5万

    10. 中国石油科技创新基金项目,“环糊精强化翅碱蓬修复石油污染土壤的新技术”, 项目负责人,2020.01-2021.12,20万

    11. 中国农业科学院农业环境与可持续发展研究所委托项目,“水环境中新烟碱类杀虫剂的光转化过程及产物测定”,项目负责人,2022.11-2023.6, 3万 (横向课题)

    12. 华谱科仪科技有限公司委托项目,“硅胶颗粒样品物理化学性质测试”,项目负责人,2022.911-2023.12, 15万 (横向课题)


    《全氟有机化合物对陆生植物的生物毒性及其互作机制》,化学工业出版社,ISBN978-7-122-42340-5, 2022年12月北京第1版第一次印刷




    1. Xintong Li, Hongxia Zhao*, Baocheng Qu, Yu Tian. Photoformation of environmentally persistent free radicals on particulate organic matter in aqueous solution: Role of anthracene and formation mechanism, Chemosphere, 2022, 291, 132815.

    2. Xiaonuo Zhang, Chaoyang Huang, Jie Ren, Tadiyose-Girma Bekele, Hongxia Zhao*, Effect of cyclodextrin on desorption of petroleum hydrocarbons in soil, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2022, 160, 199-208.

    3.  Dandan Zhao, Tadiyose-Girma Bekele, Hongxia Zhao*, Effect of copper on bioconcentration of benzotriazole ultraviolet stabilizers (BUVSs) in common carp (Cyprinus carpio), Environmental Research, 2022, 211, 113121.

    4. Zhansheng Li, Hongxia Zhao*, Xintong Li, Tadiyose-Girma Bekele, Characteristics and sources of environmentally persistent free radicals in PM2.5 in Dalian, Northeast China: correlation with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021

    5. Tadiyose-Girma Bekele, Hongxia Zhao*, Qingzhi Wang, Tissue distribution and bioaccumulation of organophosphate esters in wild marine fish from Laizhou Bay, North China: Implications of human exposure via fish consumption, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 401: 123410.

    6. Qingzhi Wang, Hongxia Zhao*, Tadiyose Girma Bekele, Baocheng Qu, Jingwen Chen, Organophosphate esters (OPEs) in wetland soil and Suaeda salsa from intertidal Laizhou Bay, North China: Levels, distribution, and soil-plant transfer model, Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 764: 142891.

    7. Tadiyose-Girma Bekele, Hongxia Zhao*, Jun Yang, Ruth Gebretsadik Chegen, Jingwen Chen, Seblework Mekonen, Abdul Qadeer, A review of environmental occurrence, analysis, bioaccumulation, and toxicity of organophosphate esters, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021, 28(36): 49507-49528.

    8. Jingqiu Jiang, Hongxia Zhao*, Deming Xia, Xintong, Li, Baocheng Qu. Formation of free radicals by direct photolysis of halogenated phenols (HPs) and effects of DOM: A case study on monobromophenols, Journal of hazardous materials, 2020, 391: 122220.

    9. Tadiyose-Girma Bekele, Hongxia Zhao*, Qingzhi Wang, Jingwen Chen. Bioaccumulation and trophic transfer of emerging organophosphate flame retardants in the marine food webs of Laizhou Bay, North China, Environmental Science & Technology, 2019, 53(22): 13417-13426.

    10.  Sisi Liu, Hongxia Zhao*, Hans Joachim Lehmler, Xiyun Cai, Jingwen Chen. Antibiotic pollution in marine food webs in Laizhou Bay, North China: trophodynamics and human exposure implication. Environmental Science & Technology, 2017, 51(4): 2392-2400.

    11. Hongxia Zhao*, Jingqiu Jiang, Yanli Wang, Hans-Joachim Lehmler, Garry R. Buettner, Xie Quan, Jingwen Chen. Monohydroxylated polybrominated diphenyl ethers (OH-PBDEs) and dihydroxylated polybrominated biphenyls (Di-OH-PBBs): novel photoproducts of 2,6-dibromophenol. Environmental Science & Technology, 2015, 49(24): 14120-14128.

    12.  Mo Chen, Hongxia Zhao*, YanWang, Tadiyose Girma Bekele, Wanyu Liu, Jingwen Chen, Uptake and depuration of eight fluoroquinolones (FQs) in common carp (Cyprinus carpio), Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2019, 180(30): 202-207.

    13. Shibin Sun, Jingqiu Jiang, Hongxia Zhao*, Huihui Wan, Baocheng Qu. Photochemical reaction of tricresyl phosphate (TCP) in aqueous solution: Influencing factors and photolysis products, Chemosphere, 2020, 241: 124971.

    14.  Qingzhi Wang, Hongxia Zhao*, Ling Xu, Yan Wang, Uptake and translocation of organophosphate flame retardants (OPFRs) by hydroponically grown wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2019,174(15):683-689

    15.  Jingqiu Jiang, Hongxia Zhao* , Shibin Sun, Yuntao Wang, Sisi Liu, Qing Xie, Xiangkun Li. Occurrence and profiles of halogenated phenols, polybrominated diphenyl ethers and hydroxylated polybrominated diphenyl ethers in the effluents of waste water treatment plants around Huang-Bo Sea, North China. Science of The Total Environment, 2018, 6221-7.

    16. Tadiyose Girma Bekele, Hongxia Zhao*, Yan Wang, Jingqiu Qiang, Feng Tan, Measurement and Prediction of bioconcentration factors of organophosphate flame retardants in common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2018, 166(30):270-276

    17.  Sisi Liu, Tadiyose-Girma Bekele, Hongxia Zhao*, Xiyun Cai, Jingwen Chen*,  Bioaccumulation and Tissue Distribution of Antibiotics in Wild Marine Fish from Laizhou Bay, North China, Science of The Total Environment, 2018,631(1):1398-1405.

    18. Minghua Zhu, Hongxia Zhao*, Jingwen Chen*, Huaijun Xie, Juan Du, Investigation of antibiotics in sea cucumbers: occurrence, pollution characteristics, and human risk assessment. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 145:1-7.

    19. Minghua Zhu, Hongxia Zhao*, Deming Xia, Jingwen Chen*. Simultaneous accelerated solvent extraction and clean-up for the multi-class and multi-residue analysis of antibiotics in sea cucumber samples by ultra-performance chromatography coupled tandem mass spectrometry. Food Chemistry,2018,258(30):87-94.

    20. Hongxia Zhao*, Wenna Quan; Tadiyose G Bekele; Mo Chen; Xin Zhang; Baocheng Qu, Effect of Copper on the Accumulation and Elimination Kinetics of Fluoroquinolones in the Zebrafish (Danio rerio), Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2018, 156(30):135-140.

    21. Sisi Liu, Guangbin Dong, Hongxia Zhao*, Wenna Quan, Mo Chen, Baocheng Qu*. Occurrence and risk assessment of fluoroquinolones and tetracyclines in cultured fish from a coastal region in Northern China, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 10:1-9.

    22. Hongxia Zhao*, Yue Guan, Baocheng Qu. PFCA Uptake and translocation in dominant wheat species (Triticum aestivum L.). International Journal of Phytoremediation, 2018, 20(1):68-74.

    23. Juan Du, Hongxia Zhao, Yan Wang, Huaijun Xie, Minghua Zhu, Jingwen Chen*, Presence and environmental risk assessment of selected antibiotics in coastal water adjacent to mariculture areas in the Bohai Sea, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2019, 177: 117-123.

    24. Xintong Li, Chen Shen, Hongxia Zhao*, Jingqiu Jiang, Zixin Ban, Zhenyu Chen, Baocheng Qu, Photoformation of persistent free radicals on a montmorillonite-humic acid complex simulated as particulate organic matter in an aqueous solution, Environmental Science-Processes and Impacts, 22(9): 1842-1851.

    25. Dute Gao, Jun Yang, Tadiyose-Girma Bekele, Sijia Zhao, Hongxia Zhao*, Jun Li, Mijia Wang, Haidong Zhao*, Organophosphate esters in human serum in Bohai Bay, North China, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27 (3): 2721-2729.

    26. Suyu Ren, Feng Tan*, Yan Wang, Hongxia Zhao, Yiwen Zhang, Mingyan Zhai, Jingwen Chen, Xiaochun Wang, In situ measurement of synthetic musks in wastewaters using diffusive gradients in thin film technique, Water Research, 2020, 185: 116239.

    27. Minghua Zhu, Zhongyu Wang, Jingwen Chen*, Huaijun Xie, Hongxia Zhao, Xiutang Yuan*, Bioaccumulation, biotransformation, and multicompartmental toxicokinetic model of antibiotics in sea cucumber (Apostichopus japonicus), Environmental Science & Technology, 2020,56:11123-11131.

    28. Yan Wang*, Zhiyuan Li, Feng Tan, Yue Xu, Hongxia Zhao, Jingwen Chen, Occurrence and air-soil exchange of organophosphate flame retardants in the air and soil of Dalian, China, Environmental pollution, 2020, 265, 114850.

    29. Yan Wang*, Meijun Bao, Yuwei Zhang, Feng Tan, Hongxia Zhao, Qiaonan Zhang, Qilu Li, Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the atmosphere and soils of Dalian, China: Source, urban-rural gradient, and air-soil exchange, Chemosphere, 2020, 244: 125518.

    30. Yan Wang*, Ya Yang, Yuwei Zhang, Feng Tan, Qilu Li, Hongxia Zhao, Qing Xie, Jingwen Chen, Polyurethane heat preservation materials: The significant sources of organophosphorus flame retardants, Chemosphere, 2019, 227: 409-415.

    31. Yan Wang*, Qiaonan Zhang, Yuwei Zhang, Hongxia Zhao, Feng Tan, Xiaowei Wu, Jingwen Chen,Source apportionment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the air of Dalian, China: Correlations with six criteria air pollutants and meteorological conditions, Chemosphere, 2019, 216: 516-523.

    32. Minmin Hou, Yan Wang, Hongxia Zhao, Qiaonan Zhang, Qing Xie, Xiaojing Zhang, Ruize Chen, Jingwen Chen, Halogenated flame retardants in building and decoration materials in China: Implications for human exposure via inhalation and dust ingestion, Chemosphere, 2018,203: 291-299.

    33. Yan Wang, Minmin Hou, Hongxia Zhao, Qiaonan Zhang, Xiaowei Wu, Factors influencing the diurnal atmospheric concentrations and soil-air exchange of PBDEs at an e-waste recycling site in China, Atmospheric Pollution Research, 2018, 9(1): 166-171

    34. Yan Wang, Xiaowei Wu, Qiaonan Zhang, Hongxia Zhao, Minmin Hou, Qing Xie, Jingwen Chen, Occurrence, distribution, and air-water exchange of organophosphorus flame retardants in a typical coastal area of China, Chemosphere, 2018,211:335-344.

    35. Xiaowei Wu, Yan Wang, Qiaonan Zhang, Hongxia Zhao, Ya Yang, Yuwei Zhang, Qing Xie, Jingwen Chen, Seasonal variation, air-water exchange, and multivariate source apportionment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the coastal area of Dalian, China, Environmental Pollution,2018, 244, 405-413

    36. Juan Du, Hongxia Zhao*, Sisi Liu, Huaijun Xie, Yan Wang, Jingwen Chen. Antibiotics in the coastal water of the South Yellow Sea in China: occurrence, distribution and ecological risks. Science of The Total Environment, 2017, 595: 521-527.

    37. Sisi Liu, Guodong Zhao, Hongxia Zhao*, Guangshu Zhai, Jingwen Chen, Haidong Zhao. Antibiotics in a general population: relations with gender, body mass index (BMI) and age and their human health risks. Science of The Total Environment, 2017, 599: 298-304.

    38. Sisi Liu, Guodong Zhao, Jun Li, Hongxia Zhao*, Yafeng Wang, Jingwen Chen, Haidong Zhao. Association of polybrominated diphenylethers (PBDEs) and hydroxylated metabolites (OH-PBDEs) serum levels with thyroid function in thyroid cancer patients. Environmental Research, 2017, 159: 1-8.

    39. Qingzhi Wang, Hongxia Zhao*, Yan Wang, Qing Xie, Jingwen Chen, Xie Quan. Determination and prediction of octanol-air partition coefficients for organophosphate flame retardants. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2017, 145: 283-288.

    40. Hongxia Zhao*, Xiuying Chen, Xintong Li, Chen Shen, Baocheng Qu, Jinsuo Gao, Jingwen Chen, Xie Quan. Photoinduced formation of reactive oxygen species and electrons from metal oxide-silica nanocomposite: an EPR spin-trapping study. Applied Surface Science, 2017, 416: 281-287.

    41. Xin Zhang, Hongxia Zhao*, Juan Du, Yixuan Qu, Chen Shen, Feng Tan, Jingwen Chen, Xie Quan. Occurrence, removal, and risk assessment of antibiotics in 12 wastewater treatment plants from Dalian, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 24(19): 16478-16487.

    42. Jingqiu Jiang, Hongxia Zhao*, Sisi Liu, Xiuying Chen, Xiao Jiang, Jingwen Chen, Xie Quan. Photochemical reactions between bromophenols and hydroxyl radical generated in aqueous solution: a laser flash photolysis study. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 2017, 336(1): 63-68.

    43. Hongxia Zhao*, Xiuying Chen, Chen Shen, Baocheng Qu. Determination of 16 mycotoxins in vegetable oils using a QuEChERS method combined with high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Food Additives and Contaminants. Part A-Chemistry Analysis Control Exposure & Risk Assessment, 2017, 34(2): 255-264.

    44. Hongxia Zhao*, Jingqiu Jiang, Yanli Wang, Qing Xie, Baocheng Qu. Phototransformation of 2,4,6-tribromophenol in aqueous solution: Kinetics and photolysis products. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 2017, 52(1): 45-54.

    45. Yan Wang*, Minmin Hou, Qiaonan Zhang, Xiaowei Wu, Hongxia Zhao, Qing Xie, Jingwen Chen. Organophosphorus flame retardants and plasticizers in decoration materials and their potential burdens in newly decorated houses in China, Environmental Science & Technology, 2017, 51(19): 10991-10999.

    46. Yan Wang*, Xiaowei Wu, Hongxia Zhao, Qing Xie, Minmin Hou, Qiaonan Zhang, Juan Du, Jingwen Chen. Characterization of PBDEs and novel brominated flame retardants in seawater near a coastal mariculture area of the Bohai Sea, China, Science of The Total Environment, 2017, 580: 1446-1452.

    47. Yan Wang*, Xiaowei Wu, Qiaonan Zhang, Minmin Hou, Hongxia Zhao, Qing Xie, Juan Du, Jingwen Chen. Organophosphate esters in sediment cores from coastal Laizhou Bay of the Bohai Sea, China, Science of The Total Environment, 2017, 607: 103-108.

    48. Yan Wang*, Xiaowei Wu, Minmin Hou, Hongxia Zhao, Ruize Chen, Chunling Luo, Gan Zhang. Factors influencing the atmospheric concentrations of PCBs at an abandoned e-waste recycling site in South China, Science of The Total Environment, 2017, 578: 34-39.

    49. Xiaowei Wu, Yan Wang*, Minmin Hou, Chunling Luo, Hongxia Zhao, Gan Zhang. Atmospheric deposition of PBDEs and DPs in Dongjiang River Basin,South China, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 24(4): 3882-3889.

    50. Yafeng Wang, Sisi Liu, Hongxia Zhao*, Guodong Zhao, Jingwen Chen, Guangshu Zhai, Haidong Zhao. Polybrominated diphenylethers (PBDEs) and their hydroxylated metabolites (OH-PBDEs) in female serum from Dalian, China. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 2016, 219(8): 816-822.

    51. Hongxia Zhao*, Wuxia Guo, Wenna Quan, Jingqiu Jiang, Baocheng Qu. Occurrence and levels of nitrofuran metabolites in sea cucumber from Dalian, China. Food Additives and Contaminants Part A-Chemistry Analysis Control Exposure & Risk Assessment, 2016, 33(11): 1672-1677.

    52. Hongxia Zhao*, Qing Xie, Xiuying Chen, Baocheng Qu, Jingqiu Jiang. Measurement of temperature dependence for vapor pressures of seventeen OH-PBDEs and eleven MeO-PBDEs by gas chromatographic method. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2016, 96(5): 657-663.

    53. Hongxia Zhao*, Baocheng Qu, Yue Guan, Jingqiu Jiang, Xiuying Chen. Influence of salinity and temperature on uptake of perfluorinated carboxylic acids (PFCAs) by hydroponically grown wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). SpringerPlus, 2016, 5(1): 541-548.

    54. Feng Tan*, Longchao Cong, Xiaona Li, Qian Zhao, Hongxia Zhao, Xie Quan, Jingwen Chen. An electrochemical sensor based on molecularly imprinted polypyrrole/graphene quantum dots composite for detection of bisphenol A in water samples. Sensors and actuators B-Chemical, 2016, 233: 599-606. (IF: 5.401)

    55. Hongxia Zhao*, Sisi Liu, Jingwen Chen, Jingqiu Jiang, Qing Xie, Xie Quan. Biological uptake and depuration of sulfadiazine and sulfamethoxazole in common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Chemosphere, 2015, 120592-597.

    56 Qing Xie, Jingwen Chen*, Hongxia Zhao, Xingbao Wang, Hongbin Xie. Distinct photoproducts of hydroxylated polybromodiphenyl ethers from different photodegradation pathways: a case study of 2'-HO-BDE-68. Environmental Science-Processes & impacts, 2015, 17(2): 351-357.

    57. Weifeng Xue, Jingwen Chen*, Qing Xie, Hongxia Zhao. Direct photolysis of MeO-PBDEs in water and methanol: focusing on cyclization product MeO-PBDFs. Chemosphere, 2015, 139: 518-524.


    招生专业:083001 环境科学;083002环境工程。关于考试科目,参见大连理工大学研究生招生网。


    2003.9 -- 2006.6
    中国科学院大连化学物理研究所       分析化学       博士


    2015.11 -- 2016.3

    The University of Iowa      客座研究员

    2012.11 -- 2013.11

    The University of Iowa      访问学者


  • 1)中国化学会会员,美国化学会会员
    2)国际学术期刊《Environmental Science and Technology》、《Chemosphere》、《Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry》、《Water, Air and Soil Pollution》、《Environmental Pollution》审稿人;国内学术期刊《科学通报》、《生态学报》的审稿人。

  • 研究方向

  • 新兴有毒物质的痕量分析方法学研究

  • 新兴有毒物质环境行为研究

  • 环境污染物光化学反应机理研究