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- [1]朱勇, houjie, 刘波, 朱亚冰, 邱天爽, 覃开蓉.急性无氧功率自行车运动对颈总动脉弹性模量和局部血液动力学的影响[J],医用生物力学,2022,28(4):418-424,431
- [2]houjie, 朱勇, 朱亚冰, 覃开蓉.无氧自行车运动对颈动脉系统血流动力学参数的影响[A],第十届全国生物力学学术会议暨第十二届全国生物流变学学术会议,2022,Vol.27:341-342
- [3]田园, 朱勇, Tian, Y., 李贞, Dong, E..Design and simulation of test circuits of dc circuit breaker [直流断路器模拟试验回路的设计与仿真][J],Gaoya Dianqi/High Voltage Apparatus,2022,56(2):40-46
- [4]邱天爽, 朱勇, Zhao, S., Zha, D..The properties of FLOC and its application in evoked potential latency change detection[A],3rd International Conference on Innovative Computing Information and Control, ICICIC'08,2022
- [5]朱勇.Transportation of dynamic biochemical signals in non-reversing[J],中国科学 物理学 力学 天文学 英文版,2022,1-6
- [6]朱勇, Li YiZeng, 覃开蓉, 唐洪, 邱天爽.Transportation of dynamic biochemical signals in non-reversing oscillatory flows in blood vesse...[J],中国科学 物理学 力学 天文学 英文版,2022,56(2):322-327
- [7]朱勇, 初孟, 邱天爽, 鲍海平.一种基于经验模态分解的癫痫棘波检测方法[J],生物医学工程学杂志,2022,2:275-279
- [8]李思琦, 申华, 朱勇, 梁舜, 覃开蓉.一种评估肱动脉内皮功能的电阻抗信号检测与分析系统[J],中国医疗设备,2022,9:9-13
- [9]Shen, Hua, 朱勇, houjie, 覃开蓉.Acute Impact of Upper and Lower Limb Resistance Training on Common Carotid Arterial Stiffness a...[A],11th IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA),2022,683-687
- [10]王彦霞, Xiang, Cheng, 刘波, 朱勇, Luan, Yong, 刘书田, 覃开蓉.A multi-component parallel-plate flow chamber system for studying the effect of exercise-induce...[J],Biomedical Engineering Online,2022,15(Suppl 2):154
- [11]You G., 邱天爽, 朱勇.A novel extended fractional lower order cyclic MUSIC algorithm in impulsive noise[J],ICIC Express Letters,2022,6(9):2371-2376
- [12]Shen, Hua, 朱勇, 覃开蓉.A theoretical computerized study for the electrical conductivity of arterial pulsatile blood fl...[J],MEDICAL ENGINEERING PHYSICS,2022,38(12):1439-1448
- [13]朱勇, 王瑛, Dong, E., 李明, Sun, C., 初华.Study on Electrical Characteristics of Titanium Diboride Powder Applied in Power Field[A],IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering,2022,730(1)
- [14]邱天爽, 刘蓉, 刘惠, 唐洪, 朱勇, 刘海龙.坚持三个相结合 搞好“医学信号分析与处理”教学[J],中国电子教育,2022,04:47-49
- [15]邱天爽, 马济通, 张彪, 朱勇.基于Android智能手机的心电与呼吸监测系统[J],中国医疗设备,2022,10:9-13
- [16]朱勇, 张研, songjia, 邱天爽.基于倾角的跌倒检测方法与系统研究[J],生物医学工程学杂志,2022,30(1):95-99
- [17]朱勇.基于双轴倾角传感器的跌倒检测研究[J],生物医学工程杂志,2022
- [18]朱勇, 张超, 邱天爽.基于医疗物联网的多参数生命监护仪的设计[J],北京生物医学工程,2022,3:275-280
- [19]Wang, Yan-Xia, Xiang, Cheng, 刘波, 朱勇, Luan, Yong, 刘书田, 覃开蓉.A multi-component parallel-plate flow chamber system for studying the effect of exercise-induce...[J],BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING ONLINE,2021,15(Suppl 2):154
- [20]Shen, Hua, Zhu, Yong, Qin, Kai-Rong, KR (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Fac Elect Informat & Elect Engn, Dept Biomed Engn, 2 Linggong Rd, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..A theoretical computerized study for the electrical conductivity of arterial pulsatile blood fl...[J],MEDICAL ENGINEERING & PHYSICS,2018,61:100-100