Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2017-03-01
Included Journals:SCIE、Scopus
ISSN No.:2053-1591
Key Words:tungsten-copper alloy; explosive compact-coating; fracture analysis; coating
Abstract:This study proposed a new method for coating tungsten-copper alloy to copper surface. First, the tungsten-copper alloy powder was pre-compacted to the copper surface. Then, the powder in the hydrogen atmosphere was sintered, and the pre-compacted powder was compacted by explosive compact-coating. Finally, diffusion sintering was conducted to improve the density of the coating layer. The theoretical density of the coating reached 99.3%. Microstructure characteristics indicated that tungsten and copper powders were well mixed. Tungsten particles were larger than copper particles. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) fracture surface analysis was different from the traditional fracture of metals. Coating and substrate joint surfaces, which were analyzed by SEM, indicated that the tungsten-copper alloy was sintered on the copper surface. The hardness of the coating layer was 197.6-245.2 HV, and the hardness of the substrate was approximately 55 HV.