Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2018-11-01
Included Journals:SCIE
ISSN No.:0957-0233
Key Words:commercial explosives; detonation properties; velocity probe; pressure-conduction; underwater explosion
Abstract:In order to build a set of test methods for quantified and efficient evaluation of the detonation properties of commercial explosives, three pressure-conducted types of novel velocity probes have been developed. The LS-DYNA program is used to estimate the conduction pressure and an underwater explosion test is performed to demonstrate the ability of recording the continuous travel trajectory of detonation and shock wave, which indicates that the threaded wire with metal foil (TW/MF) probe shows the most satisfactory performance. Using this probe, various test methods are built to determine the detonation properties of commercial explosives, i.e. detonation velocity, critical diameter and thickness, sympathetic detonation and C-J pressure. The results show that continuous measuring systems based on the TW/MF velocity probe can be successfully applied in the evaluation of the performances of commercial explosives, which is superior to the conventional approaches in measurement accuracy, convenience, uniformity and quantification.