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Main positions:力学与航空航天学院副院长
Other Post:工程力学系副主任(分管本科生、研究生培养)
2013年获ICACM Young Investigator Award
2016年12月至今, 大连理工大学教授
2008年01月至2008年06月,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,Research Assistant
(Supervisor: Prof. Jian Lu <Academician: NATF, Fellow: SEM, HKAES, HKIS>)
2005年02月至2006年06月,The University of Sydney,Visiting Scholar
(Supervisors: Prof. Yiu-Wing Mai <FRS FREng FAA FTSE FHKEng FWIF FASME FMCAE> and Dr. Chunsheng Lu)
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering、International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering、ACS Nano、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces等杂志特邀审稿人
欢迎有抱负的同学报考本人以下专业 硕士和博士研究生:
在计算力学、固体力学及交叉领域重要期刊CMAME、IJNME、ACS Nano、ACS AMI、IJSS、JAM、JMST、Scripta Mater、APL等发表期刊论文130余篇,其中被SCI收录120余篇(包括计算力学旗舰期刊CMAME、IJNME论文18篇),SCI他引1600余篇次、Google他引2500余篇次,多次应邀在国内外学术会议上作邀请报告和Keynote报告;授权发明专利3项、软件著作权3项。
研究成果被国内外同行评价为“引领性的计算论文”(leading computational paper)、“杰出工作”(prominent works)、“先进方法”(advanced methods)、“重大改进”(major improvements)、“重要进展”(significant developments)等,被成功应用于先进飞行器多层级连接结构、发动机多层级散热结构、核压力容器等重大工程结构的关键力学问题分析中。
101. Zhetong Wu, Hongfei Ye, Hongwu Zhang, Yonggang Zheng*. Seq-SVF: An unsupervised data-driven method for automatically identifying hidden governing equations. Computer Physics Communications, 292:108887, 2023.
100. Zhiqiang Hu, Yu Liu, Zijian Zhang, Hongfei Ye, Hongwu Zhang, Yonggang Zheng*. Coupling explicit phase-field MPM for two-dimensional hydromechanical fracture in poro-elastoplastic media. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 260:108649, 2023.
99. Chengxuan Li, Hanbo Zhang, Hongfei Ye, Hongwu Zhang, Yonggang Zheng*. An improved stabilized peridynamic correspondence material model for the crack propagation of nearly incompressible hyperelastic materials. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 404:115840, 2023.
98. Zhiqiang Hu, Zijian Zhang, Xu Zhou, Xiaoxiao Cui, Hongfei Ye, Hongwu Zhang, Yonggang Zheng*. Explicit phase-field material point method with the convected particle domain interpolation for impact/contact fracture in elastoplastic geomaterials. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 405:115851, 2023.
97. Zhangcheng Zheng, Zijian Zhang, Hongfei Ye, Hongwu Zhang, Yonggang Zheng*. Distance minimizing based data-driven computational method for the finite deformation of hyperelastic materials. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 124:2315-2340, 2023.
96. Hongfei Ye, Chenguang Yin, Jian Wang, Yonggang Zheng*. Controllable and gradient wettability of bilayer two-dimensional materials regulated by interlayer distance. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 14:41489-41498, 2022.
95. Zijian Zhang, Yisong Qiu, Zhiqiang Hu, Hongfei Ye, Hongwu Zhang, Yonggang Zheng*. Explicit phase-field total Lagrangian material point method for the dynamic fracture of hyperelastic materials. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 398:115234, 2022.
94. Zhiqiang Hu, Hongwu Zhang, Yonggang Zheng*, Hongfei Ye*. Phase-field implicit material point method with the convected particle domain interpolation for brittle-ductile failure transition in geomaterials involving finite deformation. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 390:114420, 2022.
93. Yisong Qiu, Shuaiqi Zhang, Weisheng Zhang, Hongfei Ye, Hongwu Zhang, Yonggang Zheng*. Coupling moving morphable voids and components based topology optimization of hydrogel structures involving large deformation. Journal of Applied Mechanics, 89: 011008, 2022.
92. Zhenhai Liu, Jiayong Zhang, Hanbo Zhang, Hongfei Ye, Hongwu Zhang*, Yonggang Zheng*. Time-discontinuous state-based peridynamics for elasto-plastic dynamic fracture problems. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 266:108392, 2022.
91. Jiayong Zhang, Hongwu Zhang, Qian Li, Lizi Cheng, Hongfei Ye, Yonggang Zheng*, Jian Lu*. The physical origin of observed repulsive forces between general dislocations and twin boundaries in FCC metals: An atom-continuum coupling study. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 109: 221-227, 2022.
90. Zhangcheng Zheng, Hongwu Zhang, Hongfei Ye, Yonggang Zheng*. Distance minimizing-based data-driven computational plasticity method with fixed dataset. International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 14:2250083, 2022.
89. Mengkai Lu, Yonggang Zheng, Jianke Du, Liang Zhang, Hongwu Zhang. An adaptive multiscale finite element method for strain localization analysis with the Cosserat continuum theory. European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids, 92: 104450, 2022.
88. Yong Qi, Changtong Zhou, Yisong Qiu, Xianfei Cao, Wenbin Niu, Suli Wu, Yonggang Zheng, Wei Ma, Hongfei Ye, Shufen Zhang*. Biomimetic Janus photonic soft actuator with structural color self-reporting. Materials Horizons, 9:1243-1252, 2022.
87. Dong Li, Yonggang Zheng, Hongwu Zhang, Zhen Chen, Hongfei Ye*. Commensurate stacking-induced ultrahigh yet discontinuous bending stiffness of the double-layer black phosphorus. Applied Surface Science, 605:154729, 2022.
86. Jian Wang, Yonggang Zheng, Hongwu Zhang, Honfei Ye*. Machine learning-generated TIP4P-BGWT model for liquid and supercooled water. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 367:120459, 2022.
85. Mengcheng Huang, Zongliang Du*, Chang Liu*, Yonggang Zheng, Tianchen Cui, Yue Mei, Xiao Li, Xiaoyu Zhang, Xu Guo*. Problem-independent machine learning (PIML)-based topology optimization—A universal approach. Extreme Mechanics Letters, 56:101887, 2022.
84. Zhijian Zhang, Yunxiang Pan, Jiahua Wang, Hongwu Zhang, Zhen Chen, Yonggang Zheng*, Hongfei Ye*. A total-Lagrangian material point method for coupled growth and massive deformation of incompressible soft materials. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 122:6180-6202, 2021.
83. Jianhua Wang, Yisong Qiu, Hongwu Zhang, Yonggang Zheng*, Hongfei Ye*, A solid-shell finite element method for the anisotropic swelling of hydrogels with reinforced fibers, European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids, 86:104197, 2021.
82. Zhenhai Liu, Hongfei Ye, Dong Qian, Hongwu Zhang*, Yonggang Zheng*, A time-discontinuous peridynamic method for transient problems involving crack propagation, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 122:1824–1845, 2021.
81. Qian Li, Jiayong Zhang, Huayuan Tang, Hongwu Zhang, Hongfei Ye, Yonggang Zheng*. Influence of Mo segregation at grain boundaries on the high temperature creep behavior of Ni-Mo alloys: An atomistic study. Materials, 14: 6966, 2021.
80. Qian Li, Jiayong Zhang, Jia Sun, Huayuan Tang, Yonggang Zheng, Hongfei Ye*, Nanostructural characteristics-mediated plastic behavior of Cu/Ag polycrystalline multilayered materials. Physica Scripta, 96: 015701, 2021.
79. Hui Liu*, Dongsheng Yang, Jingkai Wu, Yonggang Zheng, Hongwu Zhang. An open-source MATLAB implementation for elastic alalyses of heterogeneous materials using the Extended Multiscale Finite Element Method. International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, 19: 19-43, 2021.
78. Hongfei Ye*, Jian Wang, Yonggang Zheng, Hongwu Zhang, Zhen Chen, Machine learning for reparameterization of four-site water models: TIP4P-BG and TIP4P-BGT. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 23:10164, 2021.
77. Zhiqiang Hu, Yu Liu, Hongwu Zhang, Yonggang Zheng, Hongfei Ye*, Implicit material point method with convected particle domain interpolation for consolidation and dynamic analysis of saturated porous media with massive deformation. International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 13:2150023, 2021.
76. Yonggang Zheng*, Jianhua Wang, Hongfei Ye, Shan Jiang, Hongwu Zhang*, A mixed isogeometric analysis approach for the transient swelling of hydrogel, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 372:113384, 2020.
75. Yu Liu, Hongfei Ye, Hongwu Zhang*, Yonggang Zheng*, Coupling lattice Boltzmann and material point method for fluid-solid interaction problems involving massive deformation, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 121:5546-5567, 2020.
74. Yonggang Zheng, Hanbo Zhang, Jun Lv, Hongwu Zhang*. An arbitrary multi-node extended multiscale finite element method for thermoelastic problems with polygonal microstructures, International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design, 16:35-56, 2020.
73. Jianhua Wang, Hongwu Zhang, Yonggang Zheng*, Hongfei Ye*. High-order NURBS elements based isogeometric formulation for swellable soft materials, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 363:112901, 2020.
72. Zhangcheng Zheng, Hongfei Ye, Hongwu Zhang, Yonggang Zheng*, Zhen Chen*, Multi-level K-d tree based data-driven computational method for the dynamic analysis of multi-material structures, International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, 18:421-438, 2020.
71. Jia Sun, Qian Li, Huayuan Tang, Hongwu Zhang, Hongfei Ye*, Yonggang Zheng*, Helium implantation effects on the tensile response of nano-twinned copper, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 541:152426, 2020.
70. Feng Zhang, Jia Sun, Yonggang Zheng, Peng-Xiang Hou, Chang Liu, Min Cheng, Xin Li, Hui-Ming Cheng, Zhen Chen. The importance of H2 in the controlled growth of semiconducting single-wall carbon nanotubes, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 541:105-111, 2020.
69. Zhongqiang Zhang, Xinfeng Guo, Huayuan Tang, Jianning Ding, Yonggang Zheng*, Shaofan Li*. Unidirectional self-driving liquid droplet transport on a monolayer graphene-covered textured substrate, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 113:128562-28570, 2019.
68. Qian Li, Jiayong Zhang, Huayuan Tang, Hongfei Ye, Yonggang Zheng*. Regulating the mechanical properties of nanocrystalline nickel via molybdenum segregation: an atomistic study, Nanotechnology, 30:275702, 2019.
67. Yonggang Zheng, Jianhua Wang, Hongfei Ye, Yin Liu, Hongwu Zhang*. A solid-shell based finite element model for thin-walled soft structures with a growing mass, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 163:87–101, 2019.
66. Lei Wang, Jia Sun, Qian Li, Zhiming Li, Yonggang Zheng*. Coupling effect of twin boundary and void on the mechanical properties of bulk nanotwinned copper: an atomistic simulation, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 52:055303, 2019.
65. Shengzhe Wang, Luming Shen*, Giang D. Nguyen, Federico Maggi, Abbas El-Zein, Yonggang Zheng, An empirical approach for the quantification of uniaxial compressive stress-strain of partially saturated granular media under high strain rates, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 120:245–256, 2019.
64. Mengkai Lu, Jiayong Zhang, Hongwu Zhang, Yonggang Zheng*, Zhen Chen. Time-discontinuous material point method for transient problems, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 328:663–685, 2018
63. Huayuan Tang, Hongwu Zhang, Hongfei Ye, Yonggang Zheng*. Receptor-Mediated Endocytosis of Nanoparticles: Roles of Shapes, Orientations, and Rotations of Nanoparticles, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 122: 171-180, 2018.
62. Yonggang Zheng, Jia Sun, Hongfei Ye, Jiayong Zhang, Hongwu Zhang*. Crystallization behaviors and mechanical properties of carbon nanotube encapsulated copper nanowires, Computational Materials Science, 143: 350–359, 2018.
61. Jheng-Wun Su, Jianhua Wang, Yonggang Zheng*, Shan Jiang*, Jian Lin*. Mechanically guided assembly of monolithic three-dimensional structures from elastomer composites, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 10:44716, 2018.
60. Hongfei Ye, Yonggang Zheng, Lili Zhou, Junfei Zhao, Hongwu Zhang*, Zhen Chen*. Divergent effect of electric fields on the mechanical property of water-filled carbon nanotubes with an application as a nanoscale trigger, Nanotechnology, 29: 025707, 2018.
59. Jun Tao, Hongwu Zhang, Yonggang Zheng, Zhen Chen*. Development of generalized interpolation material point method for simulating fully coupled thermomechanical failure evolution, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 332: 325-342, 2018.
58. Yonggang Zheng, Qian Li, Jiayong Zhang, Hongfei Ye, Hongwu Zhang, Luming Shen. Hetero interface and twin boundary mediated strengthening in nano-twinned Cu//Ag multilayered materials, Nanotechnology, 28:415705, 2017.
57. Mengkai Lu, Hongwu Zhang, Yonggang Zheng*, Liang Zhang. A multiscale finite element method for the localization analysis of homogeneous and heterogeneous saturated porous media with embedded strong discontinuity model, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 112:1439–1472, 2017.
56. Yin Liu, Shenyang Liang, Qun Huang, Heng Hu, Yonggang Zheng, Hongwu Zhang, Qian Shao. A robust Riks-like path following method for strain-actuated snap-through phenomena in soft solids, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 323:416–438, 2017.
55. Yonggang Zheng, Hongfei Ye, Hongwu Zhang*. Twin-induced template effect on the inelastic deformation of hierarchically nanotwinned copper under indentation and scratch, International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 25(1):56–68, 2016.
54. Yonggang Zheng, Cen Chen, Hongfei Ye, Hongwu Zhang. Lattice Boltzmann models for the grain growth in polycrystalline systems, AIP Advances, 6:085315, 2016.
53. Mengkai Lu, Hongwu Zhang, Yonggang Zheng*, Liang Zhang. A multiscale finite element method with embedded strong discontinuity model for the simulation of cohesive cracks in solids, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 311:576–598, 2016.
52. Yin Liu, Hongwu Zhang, Jianhua Wang, Yonggang Zheng*, Anisotropic swelling in fiber-reinforced hydrogels: an incremental finite element method and its applications in design of bilayer structures, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 8:1640003, 2016.
51. Jun Tao, Yonggang Zheng, Zhen Chen*, Hongwu Zhang. Generalized interpolation material point method for coupled thermo-mechanical processes, International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design, 12:577–595, 2016.
50. Yin Liu, Hongwu Zhang, Jiayong Zhang, Yonggang Zheng*. Transient swelling of polymeric hydrogels: A new finite element solution framework, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 80:246–260, 2016.
49. Yin Liu, Hongwu Zhang, Yonggang Zheng*. A micromechanically based constitutive model for the inelastic and swelling behaviors in double network hydrogels, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 83(2):021008, 2016.
48. Jiayong Zhang, Hongwu Zhang, Hongfei Ye, Yonggang Zheng*. Twin boundaries merely as intrinsically kinematic barriers for screw dislocation motion in fcc metals, Scientific Reports, 6:22893, 2016.
47. Jiayong Zhang, Hongwu Zhang, Hongfei Ye, Yonggang Zheng*. Free-end adaptive nudged elastic band method for locating transition states in minimum energy path calculation, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 145:094104, 2016.
46. Hui Li, Hongwu Zhang, Yonggang Zheng*, Liang Zhang. A peridynamic model for the nonlinear static analysis of truss and tensegrity structures, Computational Mechanics, 57(5):843–858, 2016.
45. Huayuan Tang, Hongwu Zhang, Hongfei Ye, Yonggang Zheng*. Wrapping of a deformable nanoparticle by the cell membrane: Insights into the flexibility-regulated nanoparticle-membrane interaction, Journal of Applied Physics, 120:114701, 2016.
44. Hongfei Ye, Yonggang Zheng, Zhongqiang Zhang, Hongwu Zhang, Zhen Chen. Controllable deformation of salt water-filled carbon nanotubes using an electric field with application to molecular sieving, Nanotechnology, 27(31):315702, 2016.
43. Yonggang Zheng, Huayuan Tang, Hongfei Ye, Hongwu Zhang. Adhesion and bending rigidity-mediated wrapping of carbon nanotubes by a substrate-supported cell membrane, RSC Advances, 5(54):43772–43779, 2015.
42. Yin Liu, Hongwu Zhang, Yonggang Zheng*. A multiplicative finite element algorithm for the inhomogeneous swelling of polymeric gels, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 283:517–550, 2015.
41. Yin Liu, Hongwu Zhang, Jiayong Zhang, Yonggang Zheng*. Constitutive modeling for polymer hydrogels: A new perspective and applications to anisotropic hydrogels in free swelling, European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids, 54:171–186, 2015.
40. Huayuan Tang, Hongfei Ye, Hongwu Zhang, Yonggang Zheng*. Wrapping of nanoparticles by the cell membrane: the role of interactions between the nanoparticles, Soft Matter, 11(44):8674–8683, 2015.
39. Hongfei Ye, Yonggang Zheng, Zhongqiang Zhang, Zhen Chen, Hongwu Zhang. Water filling and electric field induced enhancement in the mechanical property of carbon nanotubes, Scientific Reports, 5:17537, 2015.
38. Hongwu Zhang, Mengkai Lu, Yonggang Zheng, Sheng Zhang. General coupling extended multiscale FEM for elasto-plastic consolidation analysis of heterogeneous saturated porous media, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 39(1):63–95, 2015.
37. Hui Li, Hongwu Zhang, Yonggang Zheng. A coupling extended multiscale finite element method for dynamic analysis of heterogeneous saturated porous media, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 104(1):18–47, 2015.
36. Hongfei Ye, Hongwu Zhang, Zhen Chen, Yonggang Zheng, Zhi Zong, Zhongqiang Zhang. Reversible stretching of pre-strained water-filled carbon nanotubes under electric fields, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 18(5–6):1201–1207, 2015.
35. Yonggang Zheng, Yantao Zhao, Hongfei Ye, Hongwu Zhang. Size-dependent elastic moduli and vibrational properties of fivefold twinned copper nanowires, Nanotechnology, 25(31):315701, 2014.
34. Yonggang Zheng, Yantao Zhao, Hongfei Ye, Hongwu Zhang. Atomistic simulation of torsional vibration and plastic deformation of five-fold twinned copper nanowires, International Journal of Computational Methods, 11(1):1344010, 2014.
33. Hongwu Zhang, Yifei Fu, Yonggang Zheng, Hongfei Ye. Molecular dynamics investigation of plastic deformation mechanism in bulk nanotwinned copper with embedded cracks, Physics Letters A, 378:736–740, 2014.
32. Yin Liu, Hongwu Zhang, Yonggang Zheng, Sheng Zhang, Biaosong Chen. A nonlinear finite element model for the stress analysis of soft solids with a growing mass, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 51:2964–2978, 2014.
31. Hongfei Ye, Zhongqiang Zhang, Hongwu Zhang, Zhen Chen, Zhi Zong, Yonggang Zheng. The tunable mechanical property of water-filled carbon nanotubes under an electric field, Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 47(12):125302, 2014.
30. Hongwu Zhang, Dongsheng Yang, Sheng Zhang, Yonggang Zheng. Multiscale nonlinear thermoelastic analysis of heterogeneous multiphase materials with temperature-dependent properties, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 88:97–117, 2014.
29. Yonggang Zheng, Fei Gao, Hongwu Zhang, Mengkai Lu. Improved convected particle domain interpolation method for coupled dynamic analysis of fully saturated porous media involving large deformation, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 257:150-163, 2013.
28. Hongwu Zhang, Yonggang Zheng, Jingkai Wu, Hui Liu, Zhendong Fu. Generalized four-node plane rectangular and quadrilateral elements and their applications in the multiscale analysis of heterogeneous structures, International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, 11(1):71-91, 2013.
27. Shan Jiang, Yonggang Shen, Yonggang Zheng, Zhen Chen. Formation of quasi-icosahedral structures with multi-conjoint fivefold deformation twins in fivefold twinned metallic nanowires, Applied Physics Letters,103(4):041909, 2013.
26. Shan Jiang, Zhen Chen, Hongwu Zhang, Yonggang Zheng, Hui Li. Impact-induced bending response of single crystal and five-fold twinned nanowires, International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering,11(1):1-16, 2013. (SCI & EI)
25. Sheng Zhang, Dongsheng Yang, Hongwu Zhang, Yonggang Zheng. Coupling extended multiscale finite element method for thermoelastic analysis of heterogeneous multiphase materials, Computers & Structures, 121:32-49, 2013.
24. Yonggang Zheng, Hongwu Zhang, Zhen Chen, Hongfei Ye. Size and surface effects on the mechanical behavior of nanotubes in first gradient elasticity. Composites Part B: Engineering, 43:27-32, 2012.
23. Yonggang Zheng, Hongfei Ye, Zhongqiang Zhang, Hongwu Zhang. Water diffusion inside carbon nanotubes: mutual effects of surface and confinement. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 14:964-971, 2012.
22. Qiang Zhou, Hongwu Zhang, Yonggang Zheng. A homogenization technique for heat transfer in periodic granular materials. Advanced Powder Technology, 23:104-114, 2012.
21. Hongwu Zhang, Jingkai Wu, Yonggang Zheng. An adaptive multiscale method for strain localization analysis of 2D periodic lattice truss materials. Philosophical Magazine, 92:3723–3752, 2012.
20. Hongfei Ye, Hongwu Zhang, Zhongqiang Zhang, Yonggang Zheng. Water sheared by charged graphene sheets. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 26(12-17):1897-1908, 2012.
19. Jiaqi Lin, Hongwu Zhang, Zhen Chen, Yonggang Zheng, Zhongqiang Zhang, Hongfei Ye. Simulation Study of Aggregations of Monolayer-Protected Gold Nanoparticles in Solvents. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 115(39):18991-18998, 2011.
18. Jiaqi Lin, Yonggang Zheng, Hongwu Zhang, Zhen Chen. A Simulation Study on Nanoscale Holes Generated by Gold Nanoparticles on Negative Lipid Bilayers. Langmuir, 27(13):8323-8332, 2011.
17. Hongwu Zhang, Hongfei Ye, Yonggang Zheng, Zhongqiang Zhang. Prediction of the viscosity of water confined in carbon nanotubes. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 10:403-414, 2011.
16. Hongwu Zhang, Zhongqiang Zhang, Yonggang Zheng, Hongfei Ye. Corrected second-order slip boundary condition for fluid flows in nanochannels, Physical Review E, 81:066303, 2010.
15. Shan Jiang, Hongwu Zhang, Yonggang Zheng, Zhen Chen. Loading path effect on the mechanical behaviour and fivefold twinning of copper nanowires, Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 43:335402, 2010.
14. Jiaqi Lin, Hongwu Zhang, Zhen Chen, Yonggang Zheng. Penetration of lipid membranes by gold nanoparticles: Insights into cellular uptake, Cytotoxicity and Their Relationship, ACS Nano, 4 (9), 5421–5429, 2010.
13. Yonggang Zheng, Jian Lu, Hongwu Zhang, Zhen Chen. Strengthening and toughening by interface-mediated slip transfer reaction in nano-twinned copper, Scripta Materialia, 60(7):508-511, 2009.
12. Yonggang Zheng, Hongwu Zhang, Zhen Chen, Chunsheng Lu. Yiuwing Mai. Roles of grain boundary and dislocations at different deformation stages of nanocrystalline copper under tension, Physics Letters A, 373:570-574, 2009.
11. Yonggang Zheng, Hongwu Zhang, Zhen Chen, Shan Jiang. Deformation and stability of copper nanowires under bending, International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, 7(3):205-215, 2009.
10. Shan Jiang, Hongwu Zhang, Yonggang Zheng, Zhen Chen. Atomistic study of the mechanical response of copper nanowires under torsion, Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 42(13), 2009.
9. Yonggang Zheng, Hongwu Zhang, Zhen Chen, Lei Wang, Zhongqiang Zhang, Jinbao Wang. Formation of two conjoint fivefold deformation twins in copper nanowires with molecular dynamics simulation, Applied Physical Letters, 92:041913, 2008.
8. Zhongqiang Zhang, Hongwu Zhang, Yonggang Zheng, Jinbao Wang, Lei Wang. Gas separation by kinked single-walled carbon nanotubes: Molecular dynamics simulations, Physical Review B, 78:035439, 2008.
7. Lei Wang, Hongwu Zhang, Zhongqiang Zhang, Yonggang Zheng, Jinbao Wang. Buckling behaviors of single- walled carbon nanotubes filled with metal atoms, Applied Physical Letters, 91:051122, 2007.
6. Hongwu Zhang, Zhongqiang Zhang, Lei Wang, Yonggang Zheng, Jinbao Wang, Z.K. Wang. Pressure control model for transport of liquid mercury in carbon nanotubes, Applied Physical Letters, 90:144105, 2007.
5. Yonggang Zheng, Chunsheng Lu, Yiuwing Mai, Yuanxian Gu, Hongwu Zhang, Zhen Chen. Monte Carlo simulation of grain growth in two-phase nanocrystalline materials, Applied Physical Letters, 88:144103, 2006.
4. Yonggang Zheng, Chunsheng Lu, Yiuwing Mai, Hongwu Zhang, Zhen Chen. Grain growth as a stochastic and curvature-driven process, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 86:787-794, 2006.
3. Yonggang Zheng, Chunsheng Lu, Yiuwing Mai, Hongwu Zhang, Zhen Chen. Model-based simulation of normal grain growth in a two-phase nanostructured system, Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 7:812-818, 2006.
2. 郑勇刚, 顾元宪, 陈震, 薄膜破坏过程数值模拟的MPM方法, 力学学报, 38(3):347-355, 2006.
1. 赵国忠, 郑勇刚, 顾元宪, 结构设计中的混沌优化方法及其改进, 计算力学学报, 22(1):64-68, 2005.