Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2013-04-15
Included Journals:SCIE、EI
Page Number:150-163
ISSN No.:0045-7825
Key Words:Saturated porous media; Convected particle domain interpolation; Dynamic analysis; Dynamic contact; Large deformation
Abstract:Based on the u-p form governing equations and the convected particle domain interpolation technique, the improved convected particle domain interpolation based material point method (CCPDI) is developed in this paper for the coupled dynamic and contact analysis of fully saturated porous media involving large deformation. The numerical artifact noises due to material points crossing computational grid boundaries that usually occur in large deformation are eliminated by using the smoother interpolation functions presented in the convected particle domain interpolation technique. The discrete equations are derived in the framework of the generalized interpolation material point method. The boundary load tracking algorithm and a modified contact algorithm are proposed based on the definition of particle domains to apply accurately the surface loads on the motive boundaries and to capture correctly the contact time/behaviors in large deformation problems, respectively. Simulations of several representative one- and two-dimensional problems are presented to demonstrate the accuracy and effectiveness of the proposed methods. Compared to those obtained by using the coupling material point method and/or finite element method, the simulation results illustrate that the proposed CCPDI method can be successfully used in simulating the large deformation coupled dynamic responses of the solid skeleton and fluid phase in fully saturated porous media and the large deformation impact between solid and saturated porous bodies. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.