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个人信息Personal Information
任职 : 国家重大专项专家组成员、教育部热防护专业组组长、国际华人计算力学协会理事、中国航空学会理事、中国航空学会强度与设计专业委员会委员、国际边界单元法协会会员、教育部高等学校航空航天类专业教学指导委员会委员
毕业院校:Glasgow University
- [1]刘华雩, 高效伟, 徐兵兵.A free element scheme for simulating two‐ and three‐dimensional incompressible fluid flow[J],International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids,2021,1-20
- [2]吕军, 郑鸣辉, 徐兵兵, 郑永彤, 高效伟.Fracture mechanics analysis of functionally graded materials using a mixed collocation element di...[J],Engineering Fracture Mechanics,2021,244:107510-
- [3]高效伟, 刘华雩, 阮波.Discontinuous zone free element method with variable condensation and applications in thermal-str...[J],Computers and Structures,2021,243:106411-
- [4]李家齐, 阮波, 高效伟.超临界正癸烷同轴剪切喷注热声振荡数值模拟[J],航空学报,2021,41(123708):1-9
- [5]Liang, Yu, 高效伟, Xu, Bing-Bing, 崔苗, Zheng, Bao-Jing.A reduced-order modelling for real-time identification of damages in multi-layered composite ma...[J],INVERSE PROBLEMS IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2021,29(1):73-94
- [6]Liang, Yu, 高效伟, Xu, Bing-Bing, 朱强华, Wu, Ze-Yan.A new alternating iteration strategy based on the proper orthogonal decomposition for solving l...[J],JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE,2021,45
- [7]冯伟哲, 高兰芳, 高效伟, 代岩伟, 钱卫.A new DBEM for solving crack problems in arbitrary dissimilar materials[J],Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements,2021,123:154-167
- [8]张博文, 梅杰, 张春云, 彭海峰, 崔苗, 高效伟.二维瞬态非线性热传导反问题的混合多宗量反演新方法[J],中国电机工程学报,2021,40(1):156-164
- [9]Xu, Bing-Bing, 高效伟, Feng, Wei-Zhe, Cui, Miao.Investigation of the J-integral and SIFs by block-based Galerkin free element method[J],THEORETICAL AND APPLIED FRACTURE MECHANICS,2021,109
- [10]彭海峰, Liu, Kun, 崔苗, 高效伟.A meshless BEM for solving transient non-homogeneous convection-diffusion problem with variable...[J],ENGINEERING ANALYSIS WITH BOUNDARY ELEMENTS,2021,121:65-75
- [11]徐兵兵, 高效伟, 崔苗.An efficient and accurate hybrid weak-form meshless method for transient nonlinear heterogeneous ...[J],Engineering with Computers,2021,5
- [12]梁钰, 高效伟, 徐兵兵, 崔苗, 郑保敬.A reduced-order modelling for real-time identification of damages in multi-layered composite mate...[J],Inverse Problems in Science & Engineering,2021,29(1):73-94
- [13]高效伟.多场耦合通用数值方法—分域自由单元法[A],2021
- [14]Liu, Hua-Yu, 高效伟, Xu, Bing-Bing.A free element scheme for simulating two- and three-dimensional incompressible fluid flow[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN FLUIDS,2021,93(4):1163-1182
- [15]Gao, Xiao-Wei, Liu, Hua-Yu, Lv, Jun, Cui, Miao, J (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Aeronaut & Astronaut, Key Lab Adv Technol Aerosp Vehicles, State Key Lab Struct Anal Ind Equipment, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..A novel element differential method for solid mechanical problems using isoparametric triangula...[J],COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS,2019,78(11):3563-3585
- [16]Xu, Bing-Bing, Gao, Xiao-Wei, Jiang, Wei-Wu, Cui, Miao, Lv, Jun, XW (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Aeronaut & Astronaut, Dalian, Peoples R China..Galerkin free element method and its application in Fracture Mechanics[J],ENGINEERING FRACTURE MECHANICS,2019,218
- [17]Gao, Xiao-Wei, Liang, Yu, Xu, Bing -Bing, Yang, Kai, Peng, Hai-Feng, XW (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Aeronaut & Astronaut, Dalian, Peoples R China..Cross-line elements for free element method in thermal and mechanical analyses of functionally ...[J],ENGINEERING ANALYSIS WITH BOUNDARY ELEMENTS,2019,108:422-437
- [18]黄世璋, 朱强华, 高效伟.碳氢燃料在波纹管内的超临界裂解传热特性[J],推进技术,2019,40(1):95-106
- [19]梁钰, 郑保敬, 高效伟, 吴泽艳, 王峰.基于POD模型降阶法的非线性瞬态热传导分析[J],中国科学:物理学 力学 天文学,2018,12:36-45
- [20]Zheng, Baojing, Yang, Yang, Gao, Xiaowei, Zhang, Ch, Y (reprint author), Ankang Univ, Dept Engn Management, Ankang 725000, Peoples R China..Dynamic fracture analysis of functionally graded materials under thermal shock loading by using...[J],COMPOSITE STRUCTURES,2018,201:468-476