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- [1]贺明峰, 宫文飞, 潘秋惠.大学生创新意识及其培养的一点看法[J],大连理工大学学报 社会科学版,2022,35(z2):45-46
- [2]刘一玮, 潘秋惠.大学生数模竞赛培训的探索与实践[J],教育现代化,2022,35:120-121
- [3]潘秋惠, 宫文飞, 贺明峰, 高旭彬.对大学生创新能力培养的一点思考[J],教育教学论坛,2022,39:240-242
- [4]潘秋惠, 贺明峰, 宫文飞.对大学生科研选题的认识[J],大连理工大学(社会科学版),2022
- [5]高旭彬, 潘秋惠, 贺明峰.带有潜伏期的疾病在捕食系统中的传播(英文)[J],生物数学学报,2022,29(03):430-442
- [6]潘秋惠, 贺明峰, 高旭彬.浅谈大学生的做事意识及其培养[J],教育教学论坛,2022,7:80-81
- [7]chengyan, 潘秋惠, 贺明峰.Disease Control of Delay SEIR Model with Nonlinear Incidence Rate and Vertical Transmission[J],Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine,2022,2013:830237
- [8]Gao, Liyan, 潘秋惠, 贺明峰.Effects of defensive cooperation strategy on the evolution of cooperation in social dilemma[J],APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION,2022,399
- [9]Han, Lili, 潘秋惠, Kang, Baolin, 贺明峰.Effects of masks on the transmission of infectious diseases[J],ADVANCES IN DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS,2022,2021(1)
- [10]Gao, Liyan, 潘秋惠, 贺明峰.Environmental-based defensive promotes cooperation in the prisoner's dilemma game[J],APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION,2022,401
- [11]潘秋惠, Yu, BL, 贺明峰.Evolutionary model with intelligence and knowledge[J],EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL B,2022,48(4):575-581
- [12]Sun, Peiyuan, Liu, Xuesong, Wang, Enze, 贺明峰, 潘秋惠.Evolution of cooperation in a spatial structure with compensation mechanisms[J],CHAOS SOLITONS FRACTALS,2022,104:503-507
- [13]潘秋惠, Liu, Xuesong, Bao, Honglin, Su, Yu, 贺明峰.Evolution of cooperation through adaptive interaction in a spatial prisoner's dilemma game[J],PHYSICA A,2022,492:571-581
- [14]潘秋惠, Wang, Haoying, Chen, Luyi, Huang, Zhong, 贺明峰.Gause's principle in interspecific competition of the cyclic predator-prey system[J],PHYSICA A,2022,396:108-113
- [15]贺明峰, 潘秋惠, Wang, S.Final state of ecosystem containing grass, sheep and wolves with aging[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS C,2022,16(1):177-190
- [16]Liu, Xuesong, 贺明峰, Kang, Yibin, 潘秋惠.Fixation of strategies with the Moran and Fermi processes in evolutionary games[J],PHYSICA A,2022,484:336-344
- [17]Liu, Xuesong, 潘秋惠, Kang, Yibin, 贺明峰.Fixation probabilities in evolutionary games with the Moran and Fermi processes[J],JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY,2022,364:242-248
- [18]Liu, Xuesong, 潘秋惠, Kang, Yibin, 贺明峰.Fixation times in evolutionary games with the Moran and Fermi processes[J],JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY,2022,387:214-220
- [19]潘秋惠, Li, Yu-Xing, 贺明峰, Mu, Xlao-Jia.Infection model based on Hamming Distance with age[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS C,2022,17(11):1691-1699
- [20]潘秋惠, 高婷, 贺明峰.Influence of isolation measures for patients with mild symptoms on the spread of COVID-19[J],CHAOS SOLITONS FRACTALS,2022