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Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2022-06-28




Page Number:285-292

ISSN No.:1000-8608

Abstract:GO methodology is a success-oriented method for system reliability analysis,however it is not suitable to evaluate the reliability of fuzzy uncertainty system.To solve this problem,with the combination of fuzzy mathematics and the GO reliability model,using the triangular fuzzy number and the extended principle to quantify the fuzzy uncertainties of input and output data respectively,a method of fuzzy GO reliability analysis for the uncertainty multi-state system called fuzzy GO methodology is proposed.Inertial navigation system (INS),belonging to the typical small sample complex electromechanical system,has some fuzzy uncertainty.Using a platform inertial navigation system as the research obj ect,the reliability analysis is conducted by fuzzy FTA,traditional GO methodology and fuzzy GO methodology respectively.The comparison results show that the fuzzy GO methodology is valid and reasonable extension of the traditional GO methodology,and can be used as a complex multi-state system reliability analysis approach.


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