Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2022-06-28
Page Number:802-809
ISSN No.:1001-5965
Abstract:In view of the complicated multiple fault diagnosis problems and difficulties in the realization of multiple fault direct processing algorithm,on the basis of testability D matrix and single fault algorithm,a no-vel multiple fault diagnosis and maintenance strategy based on translating into single fault(MFDMSTS)is in-troduced.Firstly, under the assumption of multiple faults, disjunctive operation is introduced, and isolable single fault and isolable multiple faults are defined.According to the definitions,single fault,which composes a new D matrix with test set,is translated into from multiple faults.Secondly,single fault diagnosis algorithm is used to process the new D matrix, and the optimal diagnostic tree is obtained.Finally, a further multiple fault diagnosis and maintenance strategy is proposed for different leaf nodes in the diagnostic tree.Experimen-tal verification demonstrates that MFDMSTS is an effective way to reduce average diagnostic cost and average diagnostic steps,and to greatly reduce the rate of maintenance error.