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Usage history of scientific literature: Nature metrics and metrics of Nature publications


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2014-03-01


Included Journals:SCIE、SSCI



Page Number:1923-1933

ISSN No.:0138-9130

Key Words:Altmetrics; Article-level metrics; Download; Nature metrics; Page view; Usage data

Abstract:In this study, we analyze the dynamic usage history of Nature publications over time using Nature metrics data. We conduct analysis from two perspectives. On the one hand, we examine how long it takes before the articles' downloads reach 50 %/80 % of the total; on the other hand, we compare the percentage of total downloads in 7, 30, and 100 days after publication. In general, papers are downloaded most frequently within a short time period right after their publication. And we find that compared with non-Open Access papers, readers' attention on Open Access publications are more enduring. Based on the usage data of a newly published paper, regression analysis could predict the future expected total usage counts.

Pre One:基于论文下载数据的科研新趋势实时探测与追踪

Next One:基于专利共被引方法的技术聚类分析--以苹果公司专利为例