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Chinese elite brain drain to USA: an investigation of 100 United States national universities


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2013-10-01


Included Journals:SCIE、SSCI



Page Number:37-46

ISSN No.:0138-9130

Key Words:Brain drain; Chinese-American; USA; University

Abstract:In this research, through the complete investigation of 100 American national universities. A list of 3,776 Chinese-American faculties are collected. Analysis is made from five aspects, including regional statistics, institution statistics, gender statistics, position statistics, and discipline statistics. New York, California and Pennsylvania have the most Chinese-American scholars, when the top three universities are The Ohio State University-Columbus, Emory University, and Texas A&M University. The number of male faculties is much greater than female, when the ratio is roughly 7:3. For the position statistics, the ratio of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor is 2.7:3:4.3. Biology, Medicine and Computer Science are the top three disciplines with the most Chinese-American faculties.

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