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International scientific collaboration of China: collaborating countries, institutions and individuals


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2013-06-01


Included Journals:SCIE、SSCI



Page Number:885-894

ISSN No.:0138-9130

Key Words:SCI; Scientific collaboration; Bibliometric; Chinese immigrant; Chinese lineage

Abstract:Using bibliometric methods, we investigate China's international scientific collaboration from three levels of collaborating countries, institutions and individuals. We design a database in SQL Server, and make analysis of Chinese SCI papers based on the corresponding author field. We find that China's international scientific collaboration is focused on a handful of countries. Nearly 95 % international co-authored papers are collaborated with only 20 countries, among which the USA account for more than 40 % of all. Results also show that Chinese lineage in the international co-authorship is obvious, which means Chinese immigrant scientists are playing an important role in China's international scientific collaboration, especially in English-speaking countries.

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