Indexed by:会议论文
Date of Publication:2015-06-29
Included Journals:EI、CPCI-S、SCIE、Scopus
Page Number:448-459
Abstract:Current research assessment is built on the basis of core-journals-selection system. Journal evaluation is not equal to article evaluation, evaluating scientists, institutions and countries based on article-level evaluation is more reasonable than the current journal-based evaluation. Different from the current research evaluation tools and databases, e.g., ESI and Nature Index, in this study, we propose the idea of continuous, dynamic and comprehensive article-level-evaluation based on article-level-metrics data. Different kinds and sources of metrics are integrated into a comprehensive indicator, to quantify both the long-term academic and short term societal impact of the article. At different phases after the publication, the weights of different metrics are dynamically adjusted to mediate the long term and short-term impact of the paper. Using the sample data, we collect the metrics data over two years for each sample article, and make empirical study of the article-level-evaluation method. The original data and interactive visualization of this research is available at http://xianwenwang.com/research/ale/.