Indexed by:会议论文
Date of Publication:2013-07-17
Included Journals:EI、CPCI-S、SCIE、Scopus
Page Number:115-+
Key Words:Coupled shear wall structure; Coupling beam damper; Hysteretic behavior; Carrying capacity; Kriging surrogate model
Abstract:The couple shear wall structures are well known for their anti-lateral stability, they have a promising future in macro complex high-level structures. Coupling beam dampers are the key components of coupled shear wall structures. In this manuscript, metallic in plane yield coupling beam damper with four types of poration and different pore areas are analyzed by Finite Element Method. It is found that the hourglass-shaped poring coupling beam damper has superior hysteretic behavior and higher carrying capacity comparing to other types of poring damper. In addition, the optimized poration parameters are further obtained by using Kriging surrogate model, which maximize the carrying capacity and enhance hysteretic behavior of the hourglass-shaped coupling beam damper.