Indexed by:会议论文
Date of Publication:2016-12-06
Included Journals:EI
Page Number:709-714
Abstract:Provided land factors for human activities, building systems accommodate a large number of population and wealth, which affect community resilience profoundly by their seismic performance. A metric for measuring resilience is developed basing on the static resilience model and the supply-constrained IIM model. In order to describe the seismic resilience of community, the metric is further embodied basing on the seismic performance of buildings according to their function (i.e. land factors). Concentrating with finance and real estate sectors, the CBD (i.e. Central Business District) is taken for an example to demonstrate the implementation of the metric with assumed data. Being applicable for systems which are not networks (e.g. buildings in community), the metric provides a new path for measuring community seismic resilience with considerations of seismic performance of buildings. © 2017 Taylor & Francis Group, London.