Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2014-06-01
Included Journals:SCIE、EI
Page Number:2477-2486
ISSN No.:2095-2899
Key Words:collapse margin ratio; strong ground motion; intensity measurement; probability of exceedance; Housner's spectrum intensity; spectrum acceleration
Abstract:The determination of collapse margin ratio (CMR) of structure is influenced by many uncertain factors. Some factors that can affect the calculation of CMR, e.g., the elongation of the structural fundamental period prior to collapse, the determination of earthquake intensity measure, the seismic hazard probability, and the difference of the spectral shapes between the median spectrum of the ground motions and the design spectrum, were discussed. Considering the elongation of the structural fundamental period, the intensity measure S (a)(T (1)) should be replaced with S (a)* in the calculation of CMR for short-period and medium-period structures. The reasonable intensity measure should be determined by the correlation analysis between the earthquake intensity measure and the damage index of the structure. Otherwise, CMR should be adjusted according to the seismic hazard probability and the difference in the spectral shapes. For important long-period structures, CMR should be determined by the special site spectrum. The results indicate that both S (a)(T (1)) and spectrum intensity (SI) could be used as intensity measures in the calculation of CMR for medium-period structures, but SI would be a better choice for long-period structures. Moreover, an adjusted CMR that reflects the actual seismic collapse safety of structures is provided.