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Research on Vibration Measurement System for Micro-milling Machine


Indexed by:Journal Papers

Date of Publication:2018-12-01


Included Journals:SCIE



Page Number:454-460

ISSN No.:1027-5851

Abstract:Micro milling is a machining technique. One of the challenges in micro milling is vibration, especially the relative vibration between the micro-milling cutter and workpiece, which influences the processing quality and tool life. Precise measurement of vibration is the precondition of vibration suppression. However, during the micro-milling process, cutting tools rotate at high speeds with feeding movements, and because the size of micro-milling machine is small and there's limited space to install sensors. The situation above reveals the difficulty in acquisition vibration signal between cutting tool and workpiece. In this study, a laser displacement sensor holder able to realize the adjustment on multi degrees of freedom is designed, and a set of vibration measurement systems which utilizes laser displacement sensor to collect vibration signal during micro-milling process is developed. The research lays the foundation for vibration suppression of micro-milling, which can help improve surface quality and extend tool life.

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