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- [141]檀永杰, 吴智敏, 马超, 董伟.轻型码头结构模型试验研究[A],第八届全国土木工程研究生学术论坛,2022,114-118
- [142]于菊瑶, 董伟.采用底部开缝立方体劈拉试件测定混凝土起裂断裂韧度[J],水利与建筑工程学报,2022,18(1):85-90
- [143]吴乔, 董伟, 李杰.长期荷载对混凝土断裂性能影响的试验与数值研究[J],水利与建筑工程学报,2022,16(3):155-160,174
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- [145]黄慧, 董伟, 吴智敏, 曲秀华.龄期对混凝土双单轴强度比的影响分析[J],东北水利水电,2022,1:56-58
- [146]陆超, 何佳文, 董伟.四点剪切条件下岩石-混凝土界面裂缝扩展过程研究[J],水利与建筑工程学报,2022,5:83-89
- [147]徐博瀚, 董伟, 赵艳华.基于国际视野的“木结构课程”建设探索[J],教育现代化,2022,7(44):87-89
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- [150]王立成, 王吉忠, 董伟.研究生高等钢筋混凝土结构课程思政建设[J],中国冶金教育,2023,05:87-90
- [151]王立成, 王吉忠, 董伟, 曹旗.钢筋混凝土结构课堂教学中课程思政的探索与实践[J],高教学刊,2023,9(25):50-53
- [152]Li, Jie, 赵晓瑜, 董伟, Zhao, Xiaoyu, Hao.Investigation on fracture properties of concrete considering the viscoelastic characteristics[J],CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS,2024,426
- [153]张煊, 袁文岩, Rong, Hua, 董伟, Yuan, Wenyan.Experimental investigation on the fracture properties of concrete under different exposure condit...[J],THEORETICAL AND APPLIED FRACTURE MECHANICS,2023,127
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- [155]袁文岩, 董伟, Zhang, Binsheng, Yu, Juyao, Dong, Wei.Determination of Double - K Fracture Parameters of Concrete Using Bottom-Notched Splitting Test[J],Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering,2023,35(5)
- [156]刘金慧, 刘晓龙, 刘涛, 董伟.聚丙烯粗纤维混凝土拉伸软化本构关系研究[J],工业建筑,2024,54(05):220-225
- [157]赵晓瑜, 董伟, Zhang, Binsheng, Wang, Yiming, Dong, Wei.Fracture Properties of Rock-Concrete Interface after Fatigue Loading[J],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING,2023,35(4)
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