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- [1]王福禄, 董伟, 袁文岩.早龄期混凝土抗裂性环形试验研究进展[J],力学与实践,2022,2:120-129,151
- [2]荣华, 董伟, 吴智敏.混凝土重力坝模型试验研究[J],东北水利水电,2022,31(3):4-5
- [3]赵艳华, 陈晋, 董伟.混凝土非标准楔入劈拉试件断裂参数的确定[J],水利与建筑工程学报,2022,8(1):1-4,18
- [4]吴智敏, 董伟, 许青.混凝土I-II复合型裂缝扩展准则及裂缝扩展全过程的数值模拟[J],水利学报,2022,40(2):166-171
- [5]王璀瑾, 董伟, 王强, 吴智敏, 曲秀华.混凝土I型裂缝扩展准则对比研究[J],工程力学,2022,33(5):89-96
- [6]莫卓凯, 董伟, 吴智敏, 曲秀华.混凝土KR阻力曲线的实用解析方法[J],水利水运工程学报,2022,3:9-17
- [7]董伟, 吴智敏, 郑长良.混凝土Ⅰ-Ⅱ复合型裂纹断裂准则研究方法概述[J],力学与实践,2022,28(6):9-14
- [8]吴智敏, 董伟, 许青.混凝土Ⅰ-Ⅱ复合型裂缝扩展准则及扩展全过程的数值模拟[J],水利学报,2022,2:180-187
- [9]吴智敏, 董伟, 刘康, 杨树桐.混凝土Ⅰ型裂缝扩展准则及裂缝扩展全过程的数值模拟[J],水利学报,2022,12:1453-1459
- [10]赵艳华, Zhang Hua, 董伟.Determination of fracture parameters for non-standard wedge splitting specimen of concrete[A],9th International Conference on Fracture and Damage Mechanics,2022,452-453:425-428
- [11]Li, Xinxin, 吴智敏, Zheng, Jianjun, 董伟.Effect of loading rate on the bond behavior of plain round bars in concrete under lateral press...[J],CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS,2022,94:826-836
- [12]Li, Xinxin, 吴智敏, Zheng, Jianjun, Alahdal, Abdulmajid, 董伟.Effect of loading rate on the bond behaviour of deformed steel bars in concrete subjected to la...[J],MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES,2022,49(6):2097-2111
- [13]赵艳华, 董伟, 徐博瀚, liujin.Effect of T-stress on the initial fracture toughness of concrete under I/II mixed-mode loading[J],THEORETICAL AND APPLIED FRACTURE MECHANICS,2022,96:699-706
- [14]董伟, Zhou, Xiangming, 吴智敏, Kastiukas, Gediminas.Effects of specimen size on assessment of shrinkage cracking of concrete via elliptical rings: ...[J],COMPUTERS STRUCTURES,2022,174(,SI):66-78
- [15]董伟, Zhao, Xiaoyu, Zhou, Xiangming, Yuan, Wenyan.Effects of moisture gradient of concrete on fracture process in restrained concrete rings: Expe...[J],ENGINEERING FRACTURE MECHANICS,2022,208:189-208
- [16]董伟, Zhou X.M., 吴智敏.Estimating the degree of restraint in a restrained elliptical ring test[A],15th International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing, CIVIL-COMP 2015,2022,108
- [17]Li, Qingbin, Guan, Junfeng, 吴智敏, 董伟, Zhou, Shaowu.Equivalent maturity for ambient temperature effect on fracture parameters of site-casting dam c...[J],CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS,2022,120:293-308
- [18]Zhou, Xiangming, 董伟, Oladiran, Olayinka.Experimental and Numerical Assessment of Restrained Shrinkage Cracking of Concrete Using Ellipt...[J],JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING,2022,26(11)
- [19]董伟, 吴智敏.Evolution of Mixed Mode Fracture in Concrete: Experimental and Numerical[J],ENGINEERING FAILURE ANALYSIS,2022,75(1):54-70
- [20]董伟, 杨冬, 张滨生, 吴智敏.Experimental and numerical investigations of rock-concrete interfacial crack propagation under mi...[J],JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MECHANICS,2022,144(6):1-12