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- [21]张宝刚, 孙畅, 刘鸣, 吕琳.基于专家调查法的空调工程冷热源评选方法[J],建筑热能通风空调,2018,37(11):55-58
- [22]Liu, M., Zhang, B. G., Li, W. S., Guo, X. W., Pan, X. H., M (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Architecture & Fine Art, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Measurement and distribution of urban light pollution as day changes to night[J],LIGHTING RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY,2018,50(4):616-630
- [23]刘鸣, 孙畅, 张宝刚, 王嘉亮.Optimized Operation of an Existing Public Building Chilled Station Using TRNSYS[J],Buildings,2018,8(7):87-91
- [24]张宝刚, 吕琳, 刘鸣, 袁鹏丽.Burning Cave-Pipe Coil-Kang Coupled Heating System Research[J],Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology,2018,25(4):54-56
- [25]刘鸣, 张宝刚, 任静薇.Sustainability Evaluation of the Ecological Footprint of Rural Residential House with Difference ...[J],Marterials Science and Engineering,2018,394(3):1-8
- [26]刘鸣, 张宝刚, 李维珊.Measurement and distribution of urban light pollution as day changes tonight[J],Lighting Research and Technology,2018,50:613-620
- [27]刘鸣, 张宝刚, 任静薇.Whole Life-Cycle Ecological Footprint of Rural Existing Houses in Northern China.[J],Buildings,2018,8(7):92-103
- [28]刘鸣, 任静薇, 连超丽, 张宝刚, 谷红磊, 陈庆周, Liu, M., School of Architecture & Fine Art, Dalian University of TechnologyChina, email: liumingyitj@163.com.城市居住建筑室内CO2分布特性研究[J],大连理工大学学报,2017,57(6):571-576
- [29]张宝刚, 王天旭, 刘鸣.基于监测数据的冷冻水系统模型建立[J],低温建筑技术,2017,39(8):148-151
- [30]张宝刚, 郝文刚, 刘鸣, 张志刚, 葛小榕, 陈庆周.无损检漏技术理论研究及案例分析[J],四川建筑科学研究,2016,42(5):32-36
- [31]刘鸣, 葛小榕, 李维珊, 张宝刚.方案设计阶段低碳建筑影响因子研究[J],大连理工大学学报(社会科学版),2016,37(2):119-123
- [32]Zhang, Baogang, Fan, Xinying, Liu, Ming, Hao, Wengang, M (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Lab Bldg Technol, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Experimental study of the burning-cave hot water soil heating system in solar greenhouse[J],RENEWABLE ENERGY,2016,87(,SI):1113-1120
- [33]张宝刚, 刘鸣.Experimental study of the burning-cave hot water soil heating system[J],Renewable Energy,2016,87:1113-1120
- [34]刘鸣, 张宝刚, 李维珊, 潘晓寒, 葛小榕.城市照明光色实验模拟与评价研究[J],照明工程学报,2015,6:50-54
- [35]张宝刚, 樊新颖, 刘鸣, 袁鹏丽, 郝文刚.日光温室各表面太阳辐射照度敏感性分析[J],建筑技术,2015,46(11):979-983
- [36]张宝刚, 杜广文, 刘鸣, 袁鹏丽, 樊新颖.基于燃池热水盘管系统的农村冬季采暖方式试验研究[J],建筑技术,2015,46(11):987-992
- [37]李凌云, 张宝刚, 赵建生.非采暖空间节能设计研究[J],建筑节能,2015,10:55-57,92
- [38]张宝刚, 袁鹏丽, 刘鸣, 樊新颖, 郝文刚, Zhang, Baogang(zhangbaogangtj@163.com).燃池采暖建筑的室内热环境分析[J],哈尔滨工程大学学报,2015,36(11):1471-1475
- [39]张宝刚, 刘鸣, 杜广文, 郝文刚, 袁鹏丽, Zhang, B.-G., Laboratory of Building Environment, New Energy Resources, Dalian University of TechnologyChina.东北地区低能耗生态农宅集成优化采暖技术性能研究[J],大连理工大学学报,2015,55(2):127-133
- [40]张宝刚, 樊新颖, 郝文刚, 袁鹏丽, 刘鸣.基于燃池的新型灶连炕系统的实验研究[J],建筑科学,2015,31(2):1-8