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- [1]赵亮, Mu, Dayong, 仲崇权, Li, Chunping, 张宝刚, Zhao, Yun.Research on Key Technologis of Power SystemInformation Security Model[A],PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2017 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION, COMMUNICATION AND ENGINEERING (IEEE-ICICE 2017),2022,480-483
- [2]赵亮, Mu, Dayong, 仲崇权, Li, Chunping, 张宝刚, Zhao, Yun.Research on key technologis of power systemlnformation security model[A],Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Information, Communication and Engineering: Information and Innovation for Modern Technology, ICICE 2017,2022,480-483
- [3]刘鸣, Li, Weishan, 张宝刚, Hao, Qingli, Guo, Xiaowei, Liu, Yuchuan.Research on the influence of weather conditions on urban night light environment[J],Sustainable Cities and Society,2022,54
- [4]刘鸣, 张宝刚, 陈滨, Yuan, Jie, 范悦, Zhu, Jiayin.Study on Design of Passive Low-Energy Conference Building and Performance Analysis[A],2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials (CEABM 2012),2022,174-177:2046-+
- [5]刘鸣, 张宝刚.Study on Design of Passive Low-Energy Conference Building and Performance Analysis,[J],Applied Mechanics and Materials,2022,174:2046-2051
- [6]刘鸣, 张宝刚.Study on Prediction Model of Night Sky Brightness[A],2010BEST-CN,2022,230-233
- [7]刘鸣, 范悦, 马杰, 张宝刚.Study on science management of city night lighting environment[A],International Conference on Management and Service Science, MASS 2009,2022
- [8]刘鸣, 范悦, 于辉, 张宝刚.Surveying on Light Pollution from China Urban Lighting[A],International Conference on Energy and Environment Technology (ICEET 2009),2022,3:594-+
- [9]刘明, 张宝刚, Ren, Jingwei, Gu, Honglei, Yuan, Jie.Sustainability Evaluation of the Ecological Footprint of Rural Residential Houses with Difference...[A],2018 5th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, ACMME 2018,2022,394(3)
- [10]刘鸣, 张宝刚, 任静薇.Sustainability Evaluation of the Ecological Footprint of Rural Residential House with Difference ...[J],Marterials Science and Engineering,2022,394(3):1-8
- [11]刘鸣, 范悦, 张宝刚, 胡英, 祝培生.面向节能建筑设计的教学改革与实践[A],2011全国建筑教育学术研讨会,2022,242-245
- [12]李凌云, 张宝刚, 赵建生.非采暖空间节能设计研究[J],建筑节能,2022,10:55-57,92
- [13]田维治, 陈滨, 张雪研, 张宝刚, 谢艺强, 白淑鑫.北方农村燃池采暖住宅冬季热性能实测调查研究[A],中国可再生能源学会2011年学术年会,2022,846-849
- [14]刘鸣, 陈滨, 张宝刚, 袁杰, 张瑞娜.北方地区低能耗自循环农村住宅实践性能分析[J],建筑技术,2022,7:611-614
- [15]刘鸣, 陈滨, 张宝刚, 范悦.北方地区低能耗自循环农村住宅探讨与实践性能分析[J],建筑技术,2022,43(7):608-611
- [16]刘鸣, 任静薇, 连超丽, 张宝刚, 谷红磊, 陈庆周.城市居住建筑室内CO2分布特性研究[J],大连理工大学学报,2022,57(6):571-576
- [17]刘鸣, 张宝刚, 李维珊, 潘晓寒, 葛小榕.城市照明光色实验模拟与评价研究[J],照明工程学报,2022,6:50-54
- [18]刘鸣, 张宝刚, 潘晓寒, 袁杰.城市照明规划中光污染评价指标与方法研究[J],照明工程学报,2022,23(4):22-27,55
- [19]刘鸣, 张宝刚.基于ANFIS的蓄冷系统模糊控制设计研究[J],沈阳建筑大学学报 自然科学版,2022,2:20-23
- [20]张宝刚, 孙畅, 刘鸣, 吕琳.基于专家调查法的空调工程冷热源评选方法[J],建筑热能通风空调,2022,37(11):55-58