
- 性别:男
- 毕业院校:日本东北大学
- 学位:博士
- 所在单位:土木工程系
- 学科:供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程
- 办公地点:大连市高新园区凌工路2号大连理工大学土木工程学院3号楼326室
- 电子邮箱:lvyang@dlut.edu.cn
[21] 吕阳, 袁文杰, 刘涛.Experimental study of fungal release characteristics in central air conditioning systems[A],2018
[22] 吕阳, 赵琦, 张雷, 刘彤, 吴庭枫, 魏山山, 王海峰.我国严寒地区夏季不同类型建筑物室内外颗粒物相关性研究[A],2017,Vol.4:4279-4289
[23] Hu, Jinhua, Li, Nianping, Lv, Yang, Liu, Jing, Xie, Jingchao, Zhang, Huibo, NP (reprint author), Hunan Univ, Coll Civil Engn, Changsha 410082, Hunan, Peoples R China..Investigation on Indoor Air Pollution and Childhood Allergies in Households in Six Chinese Cities [J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH,2017,14(9)
[24] Lv, Yang, Hu, Guangyao, Wang, Chunyang, Yuan, Wenjie, Wei, Shanshan, Gao, Jiaoqi, Boyuan, Song, Fangchao, Y (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Civil Engn, Dalian, Peoples R China..Actual measurement, hygrothermal response experiment and growth prediction analysis of microbial c[J],SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2017,7:44190
[25] 吕阳, 甄先子, 魏晨嘉, 陈滨.北方公路收费站空气污染特征及健康影响研究——以大连市为例[J],暖通空调,2017,47(2):93-96,28
[26] 吕阳, 陈滨.大气细颗粒物室内外穿透系数研究[A],2017
[27] 吕阳, 陈滨.我国严寒地区典型城市室内外颗粒物相关性研究[J],环境保护前沿,2017,7(4):346-358
[28] 吕阳, 陈滨.大连市室内环境实测及儿童健康调查评价研究[A],2017
[29] 吕阳.Indoor Environment Quality in Children’s Homes in Dalian, China[A],2017
[30] 吕阳, 陈滨.室内环境与高龄者心脑血管疾病的关联性研究综述[A],2017
[31] 吕阳, 袁文杰.大连市某场馆集中式空调系统微生物污染实态、热湿响应及生长模拟预测分析[A],2017
[32] Lv, Yang, Wang, Haifeng, Wei, Shanshan.The transmission characteristics of indoor particles under different ventilation conditions[A],2017,22
[33] Lv, Yang, Wang, Haifeng, Wei, Shanshan, Zhang, Lei, Zhao, Qi.The Correlation between Indoor and Outdoor Particulate Matter of Different Building Types in Daqin[A],2017,205:360-367
[34] 吕阳, 胡光耀, 姜安玺.生物滴滤技术去除挥发性有机物的影响因素及性能研究[A],2017,399-407
[35] 蔡婕, 吕阳, 齐婵, 徐四维, 王春阳, 魏山山.地热耦合通风法去除室内装修污染防控技术研究[J],建筑热能通风空调,2016,35(12):1-7
[36] Lv, Yang, Liu, Jing, Wei, Shanshan, Wang, Haifeng, Y (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Civil Engn, Fac Infrastruct Engn, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Experimental and simulation study on bake-out with dilution ventilation technology for building ma[J],JOURNAL OF THE AIR & WASTE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION,2016,66(11):1098-1108
[37] 吕阳, 胡光耀.集中式空调系统生物污染特征、标准规范及防控技术综述[J],建筑科学,2016,32(6):151-158
[38] Liu, Tao, Li, Dong, Zhang, Jie, Lv, Yang, Quan, Xie, D (reprint author), Beijing Univ Technol, Key Lab Water Qual Sci & Water Environm Recovery, Beijing 100124, Peoples R China..Effect of temperature on functional bacterial abundance and community structure in CANON process[J],BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2016,105:306-313
[39] Lv, Yang, Chen, Bin.Discussion on Undergraduate's Happiness Research Based on Independent Study in the Course of "Buil[A],2016,220-223
[40] 吕阳.Study on Bake-out with Dilution-ventilation for Indoor Air Pollution[A],2016