
- 性别:男
- 毕业院校:日本东北大学
- 学位:博士
- 所在单位:土木工程系
- 学科:供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程
- 办公地点:大连市高新园区凌工路2号大连理工大学土木工程学院3号楼326室
- 电子邮箱:lvyang@dlut.edu.cn
[41] 吕阳.Fine and ultrafine particle concentrations in the neighborhood of a highway[A],2016
[42] 吕阳.Field Survey and Analysis on Microbial Contamination in Central Air Conditioning System[A],2016
[43] 吕阳.大连市居住环境不同污染物对儿童健康的影响研究[A],2016
[44] 吕阳.大连市居住环境与儿童健康问题关联性研究[A],2016
[45] 吕阳.地热耦合通风法去除室内装修污染的实验应用研究[A],2016
[46] 吕阳.大连市某场馆中央空调系统微生物污染实态及分析[A],2016
[47] 吕阳.Sources, Concentrations and Transport Models of Ultrafine Particles near Highways – a Literature Re[A],2016
[48] 陈洁, 李威, 吕阳, 张钱.道路扬尘对临/远街建筑室内颗粒物的影响研究[J],建筑热能通风空调,2015,34(6):23-25,48
[49] Lv, Yang, Wang, Chunyang, Yuan, Wenjie, Wei, Shanshan, Song, Fangchao, Gao, Jiaoqi, Boyuan.Actual measurement and analysis on microbial contamination in central air conditioning system at a[A],2015,146:146-153
[50] Wei, Shanshan, Lv, Yang, Fu, Baiin, Yoshino, Hiroshi.The correlation study on the living environment and children's health problem in Dalian[A],2015,146:157-164
[51] Chen, Dan, Qu, Zhenping, Gao, Xiangyu, Lv, Yang, Lu, Xin, Weifang, ZP (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Environm Sci & Technol, Key Lab Ind Ecol & Environm Engn MOE, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Effect of oxygen pretreatment on the surface catalytic oxidation of HCHO on Ag/MCM-41 catalysts[J],JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS A-CHEMICAL,2015,404:98-105
[52] 樊广涛, 谢静超, 吉野博, 李振海, 张会波, 李念平, 吕阳, 朱晟伟, 刘加平.中国5个城市儿童家庭室内空气中甲醛、乙醛及总挥发性有机化合物浓度调查分析?[J],环境化学,2015,34(6):1215-1217
[53] 吕阳.Distribution of PM2.5 by Different Ventilated Systems in Indoor Environment[A],2015
[54] 吕阳.Exploration on the Contamination of Fungal Microorganism under Thermal Response in Air Conditioning [A],2015,1(1):231-231
[55] 吕阳.Actual Measurement and Analysis on Microbial Contamination in Central Air Conditioning System at One[A],2015,1(1):147-155
[56] 吕阳.Study on Ventilation Strategy for Removing Dust Particles[A],2015,1(1):493-496
[57] 吕阳.中国の都市住宅におけるPM2.5 汚染の実態とその対策[A],2015,1(1):10-16
[58] 吕阳.The Correlation Study on the Living Environment and Children's Health Problem in Dalian[A],2015,1(1)
[59] Shanshan Wei, 吕阳.Simulation of Particles Diffusion Characteristics in the Ventilation Duct of the Air Conditioning Sy[J],Procedia Engineering,2015,121(121):232-239
[60] 高立崇, 吕阳, 王帅, 陈滨.博物馆室内空气品质的调查研究及改善方案[J],建筑热能通风空调,2014,33(6):22-26