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- [1]郑振钧, 马小舟, 马玉祥, 黄学智, 董国海.Modeling of coastal infragravity waves using the spectral model WAVEWATCH Ⅲ[J],Coastal Engineering,2021
- [2]张少华, 马玉祥, 艾丛芳, 董国海.. 基于数值模拟的非线性波浪在直立墙上爬高的研究[J],水动力学研究与进展,2021,35(5):575-583
- [3]郑振钧, 马小舟, 马玉祥, 董国海.Wave estimation within a port using a fully nonlinear Boussinesq wave model and artificial neural...[J],Ocean Engineering,2021,216:108073-
- [4]董国海, 高翔, 马小舟, 马玉祥.Energy properties of regular water waves over horizontal bottom with increasing nonlinearity[J],Ocean Engineering,2021,218
- [5]Chen, Qun-bin, 马玉祥, 董国海, 马小舟, Tai, Bing, Niu, Xu-yang.A numerical investigation of interactions between extreme waves and a vertical cylinder[J],JOURNAL OF HYDRODYNAMICS,2021,32(5):853-864
- [6]Chen, Qunbin, Xiaobo, 马玉祥, 董国海.Transient waves generated by a vertical flexible wavemaker plate with a general ramp function[J],APPLIED OCEAN RESEARCH,2021,103
- [7]马玉祥, Yuan, Changfu, 艾丛芳, 董国海.Reconstruction and Analysis of Freak Waves Generated From Unidirectional Random Waves[J],JOURNAL OF OFFSHORE MECHANICS AND ARCTIC ENGINEERING-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME,2021,142(4)
- [8]陈洪洲, 马玉祥, 马小舟, 董国海.浅水极限波浪几何特征的实验研究[J],海洋学报(中文版),2021,39(2):105-111
- [9]Chen, Qunbin, Ma, Yuxiang, Dong, Guohai.Numerical simulation of the evolution of wave breaking in deep water[A],2019,3:2772-2778
- [10]Niu, Xuyang, Ma, Xiaozhou, Yuxiang, Dong, Guohai, YX (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Coastal & Offshore Engn, Dalian 116023, Peoples R China..Controlled extreme wave generation using an improved focusing method[J],APPLIED OCEAN RESEARCH,2020,95
- [11]Dong, Guohai, Liu, Dianyong, Ma, Yuxiang, Perlin, Marc, YX (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Coastal & Offshore Engn, Dalian 116023, Peoples R China..Experimental investigation of weakly three-dimensional nonlinear wave interactions[J],EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MECHANICS B-FLUIDS,2019,77:239-251
- [12]赫岩莉, 马玉祥, 马小舟, 董国海.有限水深下独立波群的能量变化试验研究[J],海洋工程,2019,37(1):56-63,74
- [13]Ai, Congfang, Ma, Yuxiang, Yuan, Changfu, Dong, Guohai, YX (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Coastal & Offshore Engn, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Semi-implicit non-hydrostatic model for 2D nonlinear wave interaction with a floating/suspended...[J],EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MECHANICS B-FLUIDS,2018,72:545-560
- [14]赵扩, 马小舟, 马玉祥, 董国海.深水波中进动共振的数值模拟研究[J],海洋工程,2018,36(5):99-107
- [15]毛青, 袁长富, 马玉祥.基于数值模拟的畸形波统计特性研究[A],2018,11
- [16]台兵, 马玉祥, 董国海, 陈卓.卷破波对小直径单桩波浪力的实验研究[A],2018,6
- [17]谢健健, 艾丛芳, 董国海, 马玉祥.双向波列共振作用影响的数值模拟研究[A],2018,7
- [18]He Yan-li, Ma Yu-xiang, Ma Xiao-zhou, Dong Guo-hai, Ma, XZ (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Coastal & Offshore Engn, Dalian 116024, Peoples R China..Experimental Investigation on the Extreme Waves Induced by Single Wave Packets in Finite Water ...[J],CHINA OCEAN ENGINEERING,2018,32(4):375-387
- [19]艾丛芳, 马玉祥.Non-Hydrostatic Model for Solitary Wave interacting with a Submerged Horizontal Plate[A],2018
- [20]付睿丽, 马玉祥, 董国海, 都倩南.A numerical study of freak waves generated over a fringing reef[A],28th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE 2018,2018