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Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2022-06-29


Affiliation of Author(s):建设工程学部


Page Number:770-776

ISSN No.:1007-4708

Abstract:It is big challenging to identify the damage of the structures accurately in civil engineering , since the structures usually are huge ,complex ,and insensitive to local damage .Aiming at this problem , Adding virtual mass method is proposed for improving the sensitivity of every substructure ,and realizing the accurate identification of global structure .First ,The frequency response with addition mass is con-structed using the knowing the excitation and acceleration response by virtual distortion method (VDM ) ,w hich is a fast structural reanalysis method ;then the quantity of mass and the according select natural frequency w hich high sensitivity are determined by the sensitivity analysis and the relationship between the mass and natural frequency ;last ,the damage of the global structure can be identified pre-cisely using the combined natural frequencies of the all the virtual structures ,of w hich each is construc-ted by adding mass on the according substructure .A finite element model of a plan frame with 2 floors is used to verify the proposed additional virtual mass method .


Pre One:基于附加虚拟质量的储罐损伤识别方法

Next One:Experimental Study for Damage Identification of Storage Tanks by Adding Virtual Masses