Indexed by:期刊论文
Date of Publication:2022-06-29
Affiliation of Author(s):建设工程学部
Page Number:7-13
ISSN No.:1000-3835
Abstract:A damage identification method based on additional virtual masses was proposed aiming at storage tanks' features of space-symmetry, dense lower-order modes and being insensitive to local damages. Firstly, magnitudes of additional masses were determined through sensitivity analysis of storage tanks' structural modes. Then based on the virtual deflection method (VDM), the tanks' frequency responses after attaching additional virtual masses were constructed and their natural frequencies were identified with the original structures' excitation time histories and the original structures' corresponding positions' acceleration response time histories. Furthermore, using the tanks' features of space-symmetry, their damage positions were preliminarily determined according to the distribution law of their natural frequencies after attaching virtual masses. The sensitivity analysis of the tanks' finite element model was used to solve iteratively damages' level. Finally, the tanks' finite element models were used to perform numerical simulations and correctly predict their damage locations and levels. The effectiveness of this proposed method was verified. © 2018, Editorial Office of Journal of Vibration and Shock. All right reserved.