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学科:软件工程. 计算机应用技术
- [1]李明楚, Gao, Yuan, Wang, Mingliang, 郭成, Tan, Xing.Multi-objective Optimization for Multi-task Allocation in Mobile Crowd Sensing[A],2021,155:360-368
- [2]Li, Qing, 李明楚, Gan, Jianyuan, 郭成.A game-theoretic approach for the location of terror response facilities with both disruption r...[J],INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS IN OPERATIONAL RESEARCH,2021,28(4,SI):1864-1889
- [3]Zhao, Yanan, 李明楚, 郭成.Developing Patrol Strategies for the Cooperative Opportunistic Criminals[A],2021,11944:454-467
- [4]郭成, Jia, Jing, Choo, Kim-Kwang Raymond, Jie, Yingmo.Privacy-preserving image search (PPIS) Secure classification and searching using convolutional ...[J],COMPUTERS & SECURITY,2021,99
- [5]郭成, Feng, Bin, Chen, Xue, 接赢墨, Fu, Zhangjie, 李明楚.Dynamic Multi-Phrase Ranked Search over Encrypted Data with Symmetric Searchable Encryption[J],IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SERVICES COMPUTING,2021,13(6):1034-1044
- [6]Jie, Yingmo, Liu, Charles Zhechao, Li, Mingchu, Choo, Kim-Kwang Raymond, Chen, Ling, Guo, Cheng, KKR (reprint author), Univ Texas San Antonio, Dept Informat Syst & Cyber Secur, San Antonio, TX 78249 USA..Game theoretic resource allocation model for designing effective traffic safety solution agains...[J],APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION,2020,376
- [7]Feng, Bin, Li, Xiangli, Jie, Yingmo, Guo, Cheng, Fu, Huijuan, C (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Software Technol, Dalian 116620, Peoples R China., Guo, Key Lab Ubiquitous Network & Serv Software Liaoni.A Novel Semi-fragile Digital Watermarking Scheme for Scrambled Image Authentication and Restora...[J],MOBILE NETWORKS & APPLICATIONS,2020,25(1,SI):82-94
- [8]Jie, Yingmo, Li, Mingchu, Guo, Cheng, Feng, Bin, Tang, Tingting.A new construction of compressed sensing matrices for signal processing via vector spaces over ...[J],MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS,2019,78(22):31137-31161
- [9]Guo, Cheng, Tang, Xinyu, Chen, Yuanfang, Tian, Pengxu, Bhuiyan, Md Zakirul Alam.An Efficient Distributed Approach on High Dimensional Data Similarity Searchable Encryption[A],2018,1270-1275
- [10]Guo, Cheng, Tian, Pengxu, Jie, Yingmo, Tang, Xinyu.A Privacy Preserving Similarity Search Scheme over Encrypted High-Dimensional Data for Multiple...[A],2018,11064:484-495
- [11]Jie, Yingmo, Choo, Kim-Kwang Raymond, Li, Mingchu, Chen, Ling, Guo, Cheng, KKR (reprint author), Univ Texas San Antonio, Dept Informat Syst & Cyber Secur, San Antonio, TX 78249 USA..Tradeoff gain and loss optimization against man-in-the-middle attacks based on game theoretic m...[J],FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ESCIENCE,2019,101:169-179
- [12]李明楚, 金星, 郭成.RIMNet: Recommendation Incentive Mechanism based on evolutionary game dynamics in peer-to-peer se...[A],2019,166:156-169
- [13]Guo, Cheng, Tian, Pengxu, Chang, Chin-Chen, CC (reprint author), Feng Chia Univ, Dept Informat Engn & Comp Sci, Taichung 40724, Taiwan..Privacy preserving weighted similarity search scheme for encrypted data[J],IET INFORMATION SECURITY,2019,13(1):61-69
- [14]Jin, Xing, Li, Mingchu, Guo, Cheng, Liu, Jia, Sun, Xiaomei, C (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Software Technol, Dalian 116620, Peoples R China..Reputation-based multi-auditing algorithmic mechanism for reliable mobile crowdsensing[J],PERVASIVE AND MOBILE COMPUTING,2018,51:73-87
- [15]Jie, Yingmo, Tang, Xinyu, Choo, Kim-Kwang Raymond, Li, Mingchu, Guo, Cheng, Su, Shenghao, KKR (reprint author), Univ Texas San Antonio, Dept Informat Syst & Cyber Secur, San Antonio, TX 78249 USA..Online task scheduling for edge computing based on repeated Stackelberg game[J],JOURNAL OF PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING,2018,122:159-172
- [16]Jie, Yingmo, Guo, Cheng, Li, Mingchu, Feng, Bin, C (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Software Technol, Dalian 116620, Peoples R China., Guo, Key Lab Ubiquitous Network & Serv Software Liaoni.Construction of compressed sensing matrices for signal processing[J],MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS,2018,77(23):30551-30574
- [17]Guo, Cheng, Feng, Bin, Jie, Yingmo, Tang, Xinyu, YM (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Software Technol, Dalian 116620, Peoples R China., Jie, Key Lab Ubiquitous Network & Serv Software Liaoni.Efficient method to verify the integrity of data with supporting dynamic data in cloud computin...[J],SCIENCE CHINA-INFORMATION SCIENCES,2018,61(11)
- [18]Guo, Cheng, Zhang, Huan, Fu, Zhangjie, Feng, Bin, Li, Mingchu, C (reprint author), Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Software Technol, Dev Zone, Dalian 116620, Peoples R China., Guo, Key Lab Ubiquitous Network & Serv Sofiware Liaoni.A novel proactive secret image sharing scheme based on LISS[J],MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS,2018,77(15):19569-19590
- [19]Guo, Cheng, Luo, Ningqi, Bhuiyan, Md Zakirul Alam, Jie, Yingmo, Chen, Yuanfang, Feng, Bin, Alam, Muhammad, YF (reprint author), Univ Paris 06, Paris, France..Key-aggregate authentication cryptosystem for data sharing in dynamic cloud storage[J],FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ESCIENCE,2018,84:190-199
- [20]Guo, Cheng, Chang, Chin-Chen, Shih-Chang, Chin-Chen(alan3c@gmail.com).A secure and effcient mutual authentication and key agreement protocol with smart cards for wirel...[J],International Journal of Network Security,2018,20(2):323-331