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任职 : "大连理工大学-大连斯频德”联合研究中心主任







联系方式:Tel: 13109836979 微信号:18642809658



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   负责国家自然科学基金, 国家重大专项课题,“十四五”动力装备预研及国防“173”等多项各类国家级项目,其他企业委托技术开发项目10余项。与大连斯频德环境设备有限公司等行业龙头开展了长期合作,在竖壁降膜热质传递,小温差高效传热以及重力喷淋等方向实现了多项技术突破并成功实施了产业化应用。

   课题组目前已经建成的高性能试验系统包括:1. 精密空调性能测试与优化试验系统;2. 重力喷淋特性综合测试系统;3. 超临界二氧化碳流动与传热可视化试验平台;4. 超临界碳氢燃料流动与传热试验平台;5. 碳氢燃料物性测量系统。以上系统可进行涉及工业冷却技术的热质传递、有机朗肯循环,超临界二氧化碳布雷顿循环,碳氢燃料物性测量,航空/天极端条件流动与传热等相关的理论基础研究及高效超临界传热技术开发。

   课题组致力于研究生的培养,目前培养硕士生14人,博士生3人。毕业生均工作在中科院,中广核,中航发等重点领域研究机构。欢迎具有能源,化工,热力学背景的有志青年加入课题组!大连理工大学宁波研究院“复杂能量系统数字孪生创新团队”常年招收博士后研究人员,待遇优厚,咨询电话:0574-27969810 联系人:黄老师、赵老师。



57 Hao XQ, Zhang QL, Ye S, Zhang JX, Qiu QG, Zhu XJ*, Experimental study on heat transfer and water saving characteristics of a corrugated condensing module, APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, Volume 265, 125588.

56. Wu X*, Yan LJ, Zhu XJ*, Liu MJ, Simulation of a reverse electrodialysis-absorption refrigeration integration system for the efficient recovery of low-grade waste heat, MEMBRANES, volume 15,2


55. Wu X*, Zhang YW, Sun DX, Lv YB, Liu MG, Zhu XJ*, Enhancement of power density and hydrogen productivity of the reverse electrodialysis process by optimizing the temperature gradient between the working solutions, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, Volume498,155385

54. Zang LF, Zhu XJ, Hao L*,  Study of three factors for commercial-size PEM fuel cell stack cold start: Manifold, endplate, and assisted heating, FUEL, Volume 373, 132335

53. Li ZH, Wu X*, Hu GH, Tang FY, Guan HF, Zhu XJ*, Energy performance assessment of R1243zf/R134a, R1243zf/RE170, and R1243zf/R227ea as possible alternatives to R410A refrigerant in precision air conditioning unit, JOURNAL OF THE BRAZILIAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING, 46: 455  

52. Zang LF, Zhu XJ, Hao L*, Lattice Boltzmann study of liquid water flow and freezing in the gas diffusion layer, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, Volume 71, 2024, Page32-41

51. Wu, X*; Chen, ZW; Han, ZZ; Wei, YG; Xu, SM; Zhu, XJ*, Hydrogen and electricity cogeneratioin driven by the salinity gradient from actual brine and river water using reverse electrodialysis, APPLIED ENERGY, Volume 367, 123320

50. Ren QQ; Yang ZW; Liu Yu; Chen Xi; Zhu XJ, Qiu QG*, Study on the criterion of the onset of heat transfer deterioration for supercritical CO2 in upward flow, APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, Volume 248, 123223

49. Wu, X* ; Ou, ZD ; Guan, HF; Zhu, XJ ; Yang, Z; Xu, SM, Flammability limits of theoretical azeotropic mixtures consist of R1243zf, RE170 and flame retardants (R13I1, R134a, or R227ea), INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REFRIGERATION, Volume159, Page208-217

48. Zang, LF; Hao, L* ; Zhu, XJ, Effect of gas crossover on the cold start process of proton exchange membrane fuel cells, Fuel, Volume363, 130921

47. Wu, X*; Zhang, YW ; Zhu, XJ; Wei, YG ; Sun, DX, Xu, SM, Experimental performance of a low-grade heat driven hydrogen production system by coupling the reverse electrodialysis and air gap diffusion distillation methods, ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT, Volume301, 117994

46. Tang, FY ; Gao, JP ; Wu, X*  ; Hu, GH ; Yao, H; Zhu, XJ, Performance investigation on a precision air conditioning system with a condensation heat recovery unit under varying operating conditions, APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, Volume236, 121664


45. Wu, X*; Chen, ZW; Lv, YB ; Zhang, YW ; Xu, SM ; Zhu, XJ, Effects of multivalent ions on hydrogen production from the salinity gradient between desalination concentrated brine and river by reverse electrodialysis, DESALINATION,Volume567, 116953

44. Zhao, ZF; Gao, JP; Zhu, XJ* ; Qiu, QG, Experimental study of the corrugated structure of film packing on thermal and resistance characteristics of cross-flow cooling tower, INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS IN HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER, Volume141, 106610

43. Ren, QQ ; Qiu, QG ; Qiu, GY ; Yu, X ; Zhu, XJ*, Evaluation of identification methods for heat transfer deterioration of supercritical CO2, INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS IN HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER, Volume145, 106831

42. Yang, ZQ* ; Jin, Z ; Zhao, X ; Gao, TZ ; Zhang, B ; Zhu, XJ, Experimental investigation on abnormal heat transfer behaviors of hydrocarbon fuel under supercritical condition in a minichannel, APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, Volume226, 120286

41. Zhou, SH; Zhang, KC ; Yang, WK ; Zhu, XJ* ; Shen, SQ, Evaluation of a heat pump coupled two-stage humidification-dehumidification desalination system with waste heat recovery, ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT, Volume278, 116694

40. Zang, LF ; Hao, L* ; Zhu, XJ, Effect of the pore structure of cathode catalyst layer on the PEM fuel cell cold start process, ENERGY, Volume271, 126993

39. Zhang, RZ ; Tong, WT ; Xu, SY ; Qiu, QG ; Zhu, XJ*, ANN model with feature selection to predict turbulent heat transfer characteristics of supercritical fluids: Take CO2 and H2O as examples, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCES, Volume188, 108247.


38. Du, X; Zhu, XJ* ; Yu, X; Wu, FY ; Qiu, QG, Heat transfer deterioration and visualized flow state of supercritical CO2 in a vertical non-circular channel, NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN, Volume386, 111574.

37. Zhu, XJ*; Zhang, RZ; Du, X; Yu, X; Qiu, QG, Experimental study on heat transfer deterioration of supercritical CO2 in a round tube:A boundary assessment, INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS IN HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER, Volume134, 106055

36. Zhang, K ; Zhang, Z ; Han, YI ; Gu, YG ; Qiu, QG, Zhu, XJ*, Artificial neural network modeling for steam ejector design, APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, Volume204, 117939

35. Wang, WS ; Zheng, XJ ; Xu, WH; Zhao, PF ; Ma, ZQ; Bi, QC ; Zhu, XJ, Structural Effect of a Staggered-Blade-type Grid Spacer on the Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Supercritical Water in a Triangular Core Channel, ACS OMEGA, Volume7, Issue26, Page22714-22724


34. Zhu, XJ ; Chen, S ; Shen, SQ ; Ni, SQ; Shi, X ; Qiu, QG*, Experimental study on the heat and mass transfer characteristics of air-water two-phase flow in an evaporative condenser with a horizontal elliptical tube bundle, APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, Volume168, 114825

33. Zhu, XJ* ; Zhang, RZ; Yu, X ; Cao, MG; Ren, YX, Numerical Study on the Gravity Effect on Heat Transfer of Supercritical CO2in a Vertical Tube, ENERGIES, Volume13, Issue13, 3502

32. Zhu, XJ* ; Lyu, ZH ; Yu, X ; Li, Q ; Cao, MG ; Ren, YX, Heat Transfer Enhancement of Supercritical Nitrogen Flowing Downward in a Small Vertical Tube: Evaluation of System Parameter Effects, JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE, Volume29, Issue6, Page1487-1503

31. Du, X; Lv, ZH; Yu, X; Cao, MG; Zhou, JJ; Ren, YX  ; Qiu, QG ; Zhu, XJ*, Heat transfer of supercritical CO2 in vertical round tube: A considerate turbulent Prandtl number modification, ENERGY, Volume192, 116612

30. Zhu, XJ ; Xu, WH ; Wang, WS* ; Shi, X ; Chen, G; Zhao, SF, The Design of a Vapor-Condensing Plume Abatement System and Devices for Mechanical Draft Cooling Towers, WATER, Volume12, Issue4, 1013.

29. Wang, WS*; Guo, LW; Zhu, G; Zhu, XJ; Bi, QC, Experimental Investigation on Heat Transfer of Supercritical Water Flowing in the Subchannel with Grid Spacer in Supercritical Water-Cooled Reactor, ENERGIES, Volume13, Issue5, 1016

2019 年 

28. Zhang, XC ; Zhu, XJ; Qiu, QG*, Study on liquid film thickness and flow characteristics of falling film outside an elliptical tube, DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT, Volume157, Page1-7

27. Du, X ; Lv, ZH; Zhao, S; Qiu, QG; Zhu, XJ*, Numerical analysis of diameter effects on convective supercritical water flow in a vertical round tube, APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, Volume160, 114095


26. Meng, CJ ; Qiu, QG ; Zhu, XJ ; Shen, SQ, The Analysis of the Fluxion and Heat Transfer in the Liquid Film during the Process of Horizontal Tube Falling Film,


25. Zhu, XJ ; Du, X ; Li, Q; Qiu, QG*,Study on the effects of system parameters on entropy generation behavior of supercritical water in a hexagon rod bundle, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER, Volume117, Page669-681.

24. Qiu, QG ; Du, X ; Zhao, S ; Zhu, XJ*; Shen, SQ, Analysis of grid spacer effects on the flow and heat transfer of supercritical water flow in an inner sub-channel of a SCWR based on the second law of thermodynamics, APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, Volume143, Page263-274

23. Qiu, QG ; Du, X; Zhao, S ; Zhu, XJ*; Shen, SQ, Numerical study on heat transfer of SCW near the pseudo-critical temperature in a hexagon sub-channel, NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN, Volume331, Page263-273

22. Qiu, QG ; Zhang, XC ; Zhu, XJ; Quan, SL ; Shen, SQ, Influential analysis of geometrical parameters on falling-film thickness and distribution of sheet flow outside horizontal tube, DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT, Volume124, Page98-105

21. Qiu, QG ; Zhang, XC ; Quan, SL ; Zhu, XJ*; Shen, SQ, 3D numerical study of the liquid film distribution on the surface of a horizontal-tube falling-film evaporator, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER, Volume124, Page943-952

20. Qiu, QG; Zhao, S; Du, X ; Zhu, XJ *; Shen, SQ, Numerical investigation of flow and heat transfer in the sub-channel of an SCWR core with split-vanes, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LOW-CARBON TECHNOLOGIES, Volume13, Issue4, Page414-423

19. Zhao, L; Wang, M ; Wang, P ; Zhu, XJ ; Qiu, QG  ; Shen, SQ, Experimental study on the internal flow field and spray characteristics of hollow nozzle, APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, Volume144, Page757-768



18. Zhu, XJ ; Du, X ; Ding, YQ ; Qiu, QG*,Analysis of entropy generation behavior of supercritical water flow in a hexagon rod bundle,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,Volume114,Page20-30

17.  Qiu, QG ; Du, X ; Zhu, XJ*; Shen, SQ,Study on flow and heat transfer in a finned internal cooling duct, APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,Volume113, Page58-69

16. Xu, WH ; Wang, WS ; Du, X ; Zhu, XJ*,Numerical investigation on the secondary flow of supercritical water in a four-head internally ribbed tube,APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,Volume120, Page 708-718

15. Zhang, K  ; Zhu, XJ; Ren, XT ; Qiu, QG ; Shen, SQ,Numerical investigation on the effect of nozzle position for design of high performance ejector,APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,Volume126,Page594-601

14. Zhu, XJ*; Yang, ZQ ; Bi, QC,Experimental study on the pressure drop characteristics of steam-water two-phase flow at a low mass velocity in a four-head rifled tube,APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,Volume122,Page148-157



13. Qiu, QG; Zhu, XJ; Mu, L ; Shen, SQ*,An investigation on the falling film thickness of sheet flow over a completely wetted horizontal round tube surface,DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT,Volume57,Issue35,Page16277-16287


12. Qiu, QG ; Zhu, XJ ; Mu, L ; Shen, SQ*,Numerical study of falling film thickness over fully wetted horizontal round tube,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,Volume84,Page893-897

11. Qiu, QG ; Jiang, WG ; Shen, SQ* ; Zhu, XJ ; Mu, XS,Numerical investigation on characteristics of falling film in horizontal-tube falling film evaporator,DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT,Volume55,Issue12,Page3247-3252

10. Zhu, XJ ; Wang, WS*  ; Xu, WH,A study of the hydrodynamic characteristics of a vertical water wall in a 2953t/h ultra-supercritical pressure boiler,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,Volume86,Page404-414

9. Zhu, XJ ; Wang, WS ; Mu, L; Bi, QC*,Theoretical analysis on response, characteristics of mass flow in supercritical pressure circulating fluidized bed boiler,APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,Volume87,Page286-296



8. Zhu, XJ* ; Morooka, S ; Oka, Y,Numerical investigation on practicability of reducing MCST by using grid spacer in a tight rod bundle,NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN,Volume270,Page198-208

7. Zhu, XJ* ; Morooka, S ; Oka, Y,Numerical investigation of grid spacer effect on heat transfer of supercritical water flows in a tight rod bundle,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCES,Volume76,Page245-257



6. Gang, W ; Bi, QC*; Wang, H; Yang, ZD ; Zhu, XJ ; Hu, ZH,Forced Convection Heat Transfer Using High Temperature and Pressure Water in an Upward-Inclined Tube,JOURNAL OF HEAT TRANSFER-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME,Volume134,Issue2,020905

5. Wang, WS ; Zhu, XJ* ; Bi, QC ; Wu, G ; Huang, JT,Heat sensitivity of vertical water wall at low mass velocity in supercritical pressure W-shaped flame boiler,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCES,Volume53,Page202-208

4. Gang, W; Bi, QC* ; Yang, ZD ; Wang, H; Zhu, XJ ; Hao, H ; Leung, LKH,Experimental investigation of heat transfer for supercritical pressure water flowing in vertical annular channels,NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN,Volume241,Issue9,Page4045-4054

3. Yang, D* ; Pan, J; Zhou, CQ ; Zhu, XJ; Bi, QC  ; Chen, TK,Experimental investigation on heat transfer and frictional characteristics of vertical upward rifled tube in supercritical CFB boiler,EXPERIMENTAL THERMAL AND FLUID SCIENCE,Volume35,Issue2,Page291-300

2. Zhu, XJ ; Bi, QC* ; Su, QH ; Yang, D; Wang, JG  ; Wu, G ; Yu, SQ,Self-compensating characteristic of steam water mixture at low mass velocity in vertical upward parallel internally ribbed tubes,APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,


1. Zhu, XJ ; Bi, QC* ; Yang, D ; Chen, TK,An investigation on heat transfer characteristics of different pressure steam-water in vertical upward tube,NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN,Volume239,Issue2,Page381-388


1.  用于固定反应堆外侧保温层的带有阻流片结构的槽钢支架,中国发明专利,2019

2.  一种填料结构,中国发明专利,2021

3.  一种适用于空调系统逆流式冷却塔的离心式旋流空心喷嘴装置,中国发明专利,2023

4. 一种离心式旋流空心可旋转喷嘴装置,中国发明专利,2023

5. 一种可视化超临界二氧化碳流动传热实验装置,中国实用新型专利,2020

6. 一种超临界二氧化碳可视化流动传热实验系统,中国发明专利,2024

7. 一种适用于逆卡诺循环系统的热量传递工作介质,中国发明专利,2023

8.  基于人流量的地铁站台屏蔽门通风窗口自动调节系统及方法,中国发明专利,2024

  • 教育经历Education Background
  • 工作经历Work Experience
  • 研究方向Research Focus
  • 社会兼职Social Affiliations