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Fabrication of nanochannels using underexposed nanoimprint method


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2015-01-01


Included Journals:SCIE、EI、Scopus



Page Number:34-36

ISSN No.:1750-0443

Key Words:nanolithography; nanostructured materials; nanofabrication; microanalysis systems; nanoanalysis systems; sealing material; exposure time; nanotrenches; uniform nanochannel arrays; under-exposed nanoimprint; nanochannel fabrication

Abstract:Uniform arrays of nanochannels were made using an underexposed nanoimprint method. The nanotrenches were bended uniformly, and the degree of the collapse was controlled by the exposure time. After deposition of the sealing material, nanochannels with a dimension of 100 nm were successfully fabricated. The blocking problem was solved by adjusting the parameters of the gratings. The proposed fabrication technique can be very helpful in micro-/nanoanalysis systems.

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