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Integrated Polarization Dependent Photodetector and Its Application for Polarization Navigation


Indexed by:期刊论文

Date of Publication:2014-03-01


Included Journals:SCIE、EI、Scopus



Page Number:469-472

ISSN No.:1041-1135

Key Words:Integrated optoelectronics; nanotechnology; navigation; optical device fabrication; photodetectors

Abstract:Navigation technology is an essential ability for the survival and development of animals and humans. We integrate a bilayer nanowire polarizer with a photodetector using nanoimprint lithography, and apply the integrated polarization dependent photodetector (PDP) as a polarization navigation sensor. The proposed device is designed to have the top sensitivity at the blue band. The integration process can fabricate nanowires with multiorientations simultaneously and eliminate the alignment error. The angle output experiment of the navigation sensor using the integrated device is investigated. The angle output error is within +/-0.1 degrees. The results show that the fabricated PDP has good application prospects in the field of polarization navigation.

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