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Simultaneous Optimization of Synthesis and Scheduling of Cleaning in Flexible Heat Exchanger Networks


Indexed by:Journal Papers

Date of Publication:2010-06-01


Included Journals:SCIE、EI、ISTIC



Page Number:402-411

ISSN No.:1004-9541

Key Words:flexible heat exchanger network; synthesis; cleaning schedule; continuous time representation; simultaneous optimization

Abstract:A novel methodology is presented for simultaneously optimizing synthesis and cleaning schedule of flexible heat exchanger network (HEN) by genetic/simulated annealing algorithms (GA/SA). Through taking into account the effect of fouling process on optimal network topology, a preliminary network structure possessing twofold oversynthesis is obtained by means of pseudo-temperature enthalpy (T-H) diagram approach prior to simultaneous optimization. Thus, the computational complexity of this problem classified as NP (Non-deterministic Polynomial)-complete can be significantly reduced. The promising matches resulting from preliminary synthesis stage are further optimized in parallel with their heat exchange areas and cleaning schedule. In addition, a novel continuous time representation is introduced to subdivide the given time horizon into several variable-size intervals according to operating periods of heat exchangers, and then flexible HEN synthesis can be implemented in dynamic manner. A numerical example is provided to demonstrate that the presented strategy is feasible to decrease the total annual cost (TAC) and further improve network flexibility, but even more important, it may be applied to solve large-scale flexible HEN synthesis problems.

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